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Season Of The Rose 2017 Audio & Photos

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with Aziza Scott, Khabira Brown, Himayat Inayati,
Netanel Miles-Yépez, & Pir Zia Inayat-Khan

While our staff is quietly working, preparing to launch the new Astana in November, we are also getting caught up on a variety of projects, including follow-up from this year’s Season of the Rose.

This year’s Season of the Rose: The Spirit of Guidance was a beautiful, deep community gathering, and an emotional send-off for Pir Zia and his family, as they began the transition to Richmond the last day of the program.

Over 100 people attended with more than a third under the age of 40, as part of our young adult track. Many people commented that the schedule was gloriously spacious with many choices, from teachings by Pir Zia, Aziza, Himayat, Amina, Khabira, Yaqin, and Kainat, to spontaneous rituals, creative activities, and classes led by participants. See a sampling here:



Also, Season of the Rose 2017 Audio is now available for sale via the following link:

If you would like to purchase the full set of audio, you receive $125 off by using Coupon Code sr17pckg (regular $320 and with the code $195). If you have any questions about the audio, please direct them to

We give our many thanks to Rehan Morey, our audio technician, and Letitia Smith of White Light Exposure, our photographer, for helping us share the program with all of you. We hope you enjoy.

With much love,

Alia for the Inayati Order
