The Zephyr September 2019

Dear Friends,

On this first day of autumn, I send you my best wishes.

After a long summer of travels, it is good to be back at the Astana in Richmond. My European tour ended in late August with retreat at the Sufi Temple in Katwijk, Holland, amidst the dunes where Murshid meditated a century ago, culminating in a zikr in the Valley of Wish Fulfillment.

Over Labor Day weekend, many of us gathered for a retreat at the Abode. Staying at my old home, now the Pir Vilayat Center, I was deeply delighted to see that work has begun in earnest on digitalizing the recordings of my father’s meditations and lectures.

Last week the Naubahar Suluk class convened here in Richmond for its fifth session. Happily, the session coincided with Hejirat Day and the 75th ‘Urs of Pirzadi-Shahida Noor-un-Nisa. Tarana Jobin played a composition by Noor that probably had not been played for eighty years. It was a magical celebration.

On the same day, celebrations were held in Dachau, Germany, at Gordon Square in London, at Fazal Manzil in Suresnes, and in many other places in the world. In Den Hague, the new Soefi Museum was inaugurated on that day. Reports may be found here.

If you haven’t read it, I encourage you to read Jean Overton Fuller’s gripping biography of Noor, which has just been reprinted by Suluk Press. We can also look forward to two new biographies, presently in preparation.

Rather than publishing my study of Noor’s writings as a stand-alone book, the plan now is that it will serve as an introduction to a collected works edition of Noor’s writings. The volume will gather all of her major works under a single cover, and will introduce some wonderful previously unpublished pieces as well.

Another book that bears noting is my old friend Prof. Rob Rozehnal’s newly published Cyber SufisCyber Sufis insightfully analyzes the manner in which Sufi groups inhabit the Internet, with a special focus on our order’s website (beautifully built by Satya Inayat Khan and Alia Wittman).

Later this week we will be hosting beloved Shaykha Nur from Turkey, and many other friends, God willing. I hope you will come and join us.

Finally, I encourage you to have a look at this fantastic animated short film about Noor written by our dear friend, the celebrated writer Shrabani Basu:

Yours ever,


Noor-un-Nisa’s Urs Worldwide 2019

Click Here to View More Photos

The Art of Personality: An Online Course w/ Pir Zia Inayat-KhanThe Art of Personality

Original Webcasts October 6, 13, 20 & 27
Then Available Online Anytime

Continuing our study of The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan: Centennial Edition, we come now to the third title in the series, “The Art of Personality.” The teachings contained within this volume represent the Sufi Mystic, Hazrat Inayat Khan’s (1882-1927), select lectures on personality.

In our second series over the course of four classes this fall, all taught by Pir Zia, we will explore the capacities of mind and heart that, when carefully contemplated and conscientiously enacted, ripen and refine an individual’s nature. All Sufi Message Series Online Classes are offered on a sliding scale, from $0-$15 per class.

Register Today!

Cyber Sufis: Virtual Expressions of the American Muslim Experience

By Robert Rozehnal

In America today, online spaces serve as critical alternatives for tech-savvy Muslims seeking a place to root their faith, forge religious identity, and build communities. With a particular focus on the Inayati Order, a branch of the oldest Sufi community in the West, Robert Rozehnal explores the online revolution in internal communication, spiritual pedagogy, and public outreach – and looks ahead to the future of digital Islam in the age of Web 3.0.

Vadan Commentary

Music of the Spheres: Gamaka Commentaries, Vadan

“I neither defend the wrongdoer nor do I condemn him.”

Wrongdoing is unbeautiful action, action that mars the world rather than adorning it. Wrongdoing goes against the grain of the universe and yet is intrinsic to its unfolding story. It is against the background of the unbeautiful that the beautiful is distinguished. Continued

See the full commentary on the Inayati Order website.

The Inayati Order Fall Calendar 2019

Rumi’s 812th Birthday Celebration with Special Guest Shaykha Nur Artiran
The Astana & Online, Richmond, Virginia
26-29 September 2019

The Sufi Healing Order Leadership Retreat
The Astana, Richmond, Virginia
18-20 October 2019

Brown University Contemplative
Studies Welcomes Pir Zia

Providence, Rhode Island
Friday Evening Lecture, 5:30-7pm
Saturday Workshop, 10am-1pm
25-26 October 2019

Pir Zia Seminar in Paris
Paris, France
22-24 November 2019

Announcing Two New Programs for 2020

The Inayatiyya: An Alchemical Retreat for Leaders of the Six Activities
Mustang Island, Texas
13-19 February 2020

Season of the Rose 2020 Details forthcoming! 
Abode of the Message, New Lebanon, New York
26 June – 01 July 2020

For a worldwide calendar featuring many Inayati Order teachers and programs, please visit our Inayati Worldwide Programs Calendar.