⭐ Receive an excerpt of Pir Zia’s new book, Immortality⭐

6 December 2022

Dear friends,

We are pleased to announce Pir Zia’s forthcoming title, Immortality: A Traveler’s Guide, published by Suluk Press.

Immortality: A Traveler’s Guide is comprised of 180 selections of Hazrat Inayat Khan’s teachings from The Soul Whence and Whither, accompanied by Pir Zia’s commentary and contemplative practices related to each theme. This book stands on its own, but can also be used as a stepping stone to further study of Inayat Khan’s teachings on the soul.

All who give toward the Inayatiyya’s Fall Appeal by Friday, December 23rd, 2022, will receive an advanced excerpt of Immortality, expected in print spring 2023. Excerpts will be sent out on Monday, December 26th, 2022.

Please consider making a donation today to support our work. When you give you invest in many publishing projects, including Pir Zia’s research and writing, Suluk Press staffing, and the development and production of titles such as the Sufi Message Centennial Series, with Spiritual Liberty, Volume V, due out next summer.

If you have already given to this year’s appeal, or in any other way this year, we are most appreciative.

With much love,
Alia for the Inayatiyya


The Inayatiyya is a non-profit 501c3 organization, Tax ID #23-7159641. Your donation may be fully deductible for tax purposes per United States IRS guidelines. Online donations may be made via inayatiyya.org/donate. If you would like to donate via check, please make payable to the Inayatiyya, 112 E. Cary Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219. Thank you!