⭐ Ya Shakur! It’s Giving Tuesday…⭐

29 November 2022

Dear friends on this path,

Our caravan is once again approaching the culmination of another cycle around the sun. Some of you may be traveling to spend time with family, chosen or biological, in preparation for holidays and vacations. It is in this atmosphere that we observe Giving Tuesday, a day dedicated to giving back to those institutions that have nourished our lives and enriched the world. This time of year is one of coming together, of gratitude and reflection. A time to look back on what has been and look forward to what is to come in the New Year.

Over the past couple of years, much has emerged, and continues to emerge, within the Inayatiyya. When confronted with the pandemic, we did not contract apart. Instead, we reached outward, amplifying the voice of our community through new modes of connectivity. Healing circles met virtually around the globe. We have begun to examine our network of Kinship, seeking out the places where mending is needed, and commencing that work. Universal Worship, Music, and the other Activities have expanded into the plane of the virtual. We continue to grow.

I have been a murid along this path for well over a decade now, and I feel gratitude for the opportunities and experiences that I have had along the way. I have had the privilege of attending retreats where I sat in the presence of our Pir Zia and other honored teachers of our lineage. I have participated in camps, celebrations, and performances that have steeped my soul in a beautiful fragrance that will linger with me forever. When I think back on these gatherings, I consider the immensity of time and devotion required for them to take place and the countless hours of staff, faculty, and volunteer effort that were necessary for each one.

I have been transformed by the influence of Murshid’s teachings and the Inayatiyya in my life. I have received countless blessings through my fellowship in the Inayatiyya. In gratitude and in hope, I give back to our community each year. I give back, so that the Message may continue to find those who hear its call, and that those individuals may have the same opportunity for community and belonging that I have been given.

Giving back to the Inayatiyya supports the continuation of our community into the future. This Giving Tuesday, I ask that each of you reflect upon your own journey within the Inayatiyya and the impact it has made for you. Consider all that was needed to make those experiences a reality. Today, I ask that you give your monetary pledge of support, that those experiences may continue to illuminate the hearts of others, and that we may continue to spread the message of love, harmony, and beauty far and wide.

With gratitude,

Khatidja Rodriguez-Ruiz
Treasurer, Inayatiyya Board North America


Khatidja Rodriguez-Ruiz has been a murid in the Inayatiyya since 2008. She is a graduate of the Suluk Academy (Naubahar) and a member of the Kinship Council. Khatidja received her B.I.S. in Sociology and Public Policy from the University of Virginia. Professionally, she is a fundraising strategist in higher education and the performing arts. She is also a musician and uses improvised music and theater as a conduit to support local activism and the arts. She believes  that unity is found through the weaving of diverse ideals to build a tapestry of love, harmony, and beauty. She lives in Charlottesville, Virginia with her husband.

The Inayatiyya is a non-profit 501c3 organization, Tax ID #23-7159641. Your donation may be fully deductible for tax purposes per United States IRS guidelines. Online donations may be made via inayatiyya.org/donate. If you would like to donate via check, please make payable to the Inayatiyya, 112 E. Cary Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219. Thank you!