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Call of the Earth – Inayatiyya International Board

“Not only human beings, but animals, birds, insects, trees, and plants all have a spiritual attainment. No creature that has ever been on earth will be deprived entirely of spiritual bliss.Nirtan: Aphorisms Hazrat Inayat Khan

We are writing as governments and civil society from around the world are coming together in Montréal to agree on a new set of goals to guide global action through 2030 to halt and reverse loss of the world’s estimated 8 million species of plants and animals.

“Murshid taught that in following the spiritual path it becomes imperative to consciously realize one’s kinship with the animal world. Since ancient times, human beings have looked to our fellow animals for inspiration and guidance. Today, animals are all too often treated merely as chattel, pests, or oddities. Whole species are rapidly vanishing before our eyes and we are losing our ability to commune with the animate Earth and its animal personifications.” Pir Zia Inayat Khan

This fall our journey through the Sophic Whorl, which illuminates seven ways of being in the universe with awakened conscience and consciousness, was hosted by twenty one animals.  By breathing and being present to the qualities that each animal bought we became more whole, and grounded, and set into motion a path of continually returning to our connection. 

In this last Call of the Earth we would like to express our gratitude to the wider Inayatiyya community for the web of life that it continually nourishes in communion. That it prays with, and not preys on. That it attunes with, and not tunes out. 

In that spirit, we would like to draw your attention to this Conference of Animals that we are now working alongside as part of the process of having Earth as an ex-officio board member of the Inayatiyya International Board. 

We hope as you breathe with them, pray and grieve with them, and embrace and celebrate the qualities that they bring that, you too, will be inspired and guided to feel our kinship with these earthlings and the work we are called to at this time in our world.

Station 1: Standing Strong 

Station 2: Letting Go 

Station 3: Born Again

Station 4: Imaging things

Station 5: Ripening

Station 6: Always New

Station 7: The Eyes of the Universe

In peace,

Gulrukh Patel and Tariq Al-Olaimy on behalf of the Inayatiyya International Board.

P.S.: If you would like to know more about the climate change and biodiversity work of the Inayatiyya please write to