Murshid on Harmony: Day Three

Murshid on Harmony: Day Three

Over the last few days we have been exploring Murshid’s teachings on harmony. Today’s teaching is below, and also here is a small gift, Pir Zia’s thoughts on harmony in this youtube video. Hope you enjoy!


Artwork by the Swedish abstract painter and mystic Hilma af Klint, now on the display at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City. Childhood, No. 1, Group IV. 1907.

Murshid with MusiciansThe Mysticism of Sound

The Sufi, like a student of music, trains both his voice and ear in the harmony of life. The training of the voice consists in being conscientious about each word spoken, about its tone, rhythm, meaning and the appropriateness for the occasion. For instance the words of consolation should be spoken in a slow rhythm, with a soft voice and sympathetic tone. When speaking words of command a lively rhythm is necessary, and a powerful and distinct voice. The Sufi avoids all unrhythmic actions; he keeps the rhythm of his speech under the control of patience, not speaking a word before the right time, not giving an answer until the question is finished. Hazrat Inayat Khan

Inayati Order Fall Appeal 2018

Please help us reach our goal of raising $35,000 by Sunday, December 23rd. All who donate to the Inayati Order’s Fall Appeal 2018 by this date will receive a complimentary talk from Pir Zia’s Making One’s Own Nature event, December 1 & 2, 2018, in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Donations may also be sent to the Inayati Order, 112 E Cary Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219. Please contact us with any questions at or 518-794-7834. Thank you!