Murshid on Harmony: Day Four

Murshid on Harmony: Day Four

Our forth day explores Murshid’s teaching on “eternal harmony,” as part of our Inayati Order Fall Appeal drive to raise $35,000 by this coming Sunday, December 23rd. So far we have raised $12,921 in a little less than three days. Thank you to all who have given so far, and if you give by Sunday, we will send a free talk by Pir Zia to you next week!
Artwork by the Swedish abstract painter and mystic Hilma af Klint, now on the display at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City. The Swan, No. 9, Group IX. 1915.

The Mysticism of Sound

Eternal harmony is the harmony of consciousness. As it is in itself eternal, all things and beings live and move in it; yet it remains remote, undisturbed and peaceful. This is the God of the believer, and the God of the knower. All vibrations from the finest to the grossest are held together by this harmony, as well as each atom of manifestation, and both creation and destruction take place in order to uphold it. Its power ultimately attracts each being towards the everlasting peace. Hazrat Inayat Khan


Inayati Order Fall Appeal 2018

Please help us reach our goal of raising $35,000 by Sunday, December 23rd. All who donate to the Inayati Order’s Fall Appeal 2018 by this date will receive a complimentary talk from Pir Zia’s Making One’s Own Nature event, December 1 & 2, 2018, in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Donations may also be sent to the Inayati Order, 112 E Cary Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219. Please contact us with any questions at or 518-794-7834. Thank you!