Murshid on Harmony: Day Two

Murshid on Harmony: Day Two

Today we invite you to explore Hazrat Inayat Khan’s teachings on harmony from his talks compiled as “The Gathas.” Please help support the furtherance of Murshid’s legacy by giving to our Inayati Order Fall Appeal 2018, aiming to raise $35,000 between now and December 23rd, and $150,000+ by year-end. All who give a donation by this coming Sunday will receive a free talk by Pir Zia, recently given at Making One’s Own Nature in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Also, here is a a small gift today … the beginnings of a Sufi Attunement Playlist on Spotify. Thank you for your love and support!


Artwork by the Swedish abstract painter and mystic Hilma af Klint, now on the display at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City. The Swan, No. I2, Group IX. 1915.

The Gathas

Harmony is brought about by attuning oneself to all beings, to all things, to all conditions, to all situations. And he who cannot tune himself tries to tune others, and while trying to tune others he breaks the string.

It is like a person who has a violin in his hands wishing to tune the cello. If he wishes to be in tune with the cellist, he must tune his violin to the cellist’s pitch. Every soul, as its nature, seeks constantly for harmony, but rarely there is to be found a soul who really knows how to create it.

If one says, ‘This noise which goes on always next to my ears makes me mad,’ he cannot stop the noise. He must know how to close himself from that noise; if he cannot, to accustom himself to that noise so as to be able to bear it and eventually to rise above it, that it may no more create inharmony. Very often, at the sight of inharmony, one tries to escape it.

But inharmony has such a wonderful magic that if one avoids it in the East, one meets it in the West. It never leaves a person; who it loves it follows. And the best way to meet with inharmony is to try and harmonize with it. Knowing that the source and goal of all things is the perfection of harmony, and bearing that idea in mind, if one met with inharmony, which has no existence in reality, which is like a shadow, it must certainly disappear as the shadow disappears at the sight of the sun. Hazrat Inayat Khan

Inayati Order Fall Appeal 2018

Please help us reach our goal of raising $35,000 by Sunday, December 23rd. All who donate to the Inayati Order’s Fall Appeal 2018 by this date will receive a complimentary talk from Pir Zia’s Making One’s Own Nature event, December 1 & 2, 2018, in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Donations may also be sent to the Inayati Order, 112 E Cary Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219. Please contact us with any questions at or 518-794-7834. Thank you!