Music of the Spheres: Gamaka Commentaries, Nirtan

“Before you judge my actions, Lord, I pray, you will forgive. Before my heart has broken, Will you help my soul to live?   Before my eyes are covered, Will you let me see your face? Before my feet are tired, May I reach your dwelling place?   Before I wake from slumber, You will […]

Music of the Spheres: Gamaka Commentaries, Nirtan

“Why, oh my feeling heart do you live and die? What makes my feeling heart now to laugh and to cry? Death is my life indeed, I live when I die. Pain is my pleasure, when I laugh then I cry.” The sage speaks to his heart. Who planted you in my breast? What a […]

Music of the Spheres: Gamaka Commentaries, Nirtan

“The essence of today’s Message is balance.” God is the First and the Last, the Outer and Inner. To find God, look where the opposites meet. The outward beckons. Colors and fragrances allure the senses. Hands look for wood, stone, or metal to mold. Towers rise up to the sky. Crowds gather, goods are bought […]

Music of the Spheres: Gamaka Commentaries, Nirtan

“When my heart is asleep, both the worlds slumber.” The Arabic word wujud suggests three meanings: existence, finding, and ecstasy. Existence is something we commonly take for granted. You exist, I exist, the world exists, and that is all there is to it—or so it seems. But you and I only exist insofar as we […]

Music of the Spheres: Gamaka Commentaries, Nirtan

“The Message is a call to those whose hour has come to awake, and a lullaby to those who are meant to sleep.” The Divine Face is shrouded in 70,000 veils of prismatic light and dappled darkness. Each veil is a cover on the bed of the sleeping soul. To throw off the covers and […]

Music of the Spheres: Gamaka Commentaries, Nirtan

“The rapidity of my walk imagination cannot follow.” The sleepwalking soul hurries here and there, and goes nowhere. The wakeful soul sits still, and travels beyond the stars. Five companions accompany the soul on its pilgrimage to the Source: sensation, memory, imagination, will, and self. None but the soul reaches the goal. Sensation is at […]

Music of the Spheres: Gamaka Commentaries, Nirtan

“By every hurt or harm that one causes me, one only makes me know him better.” It’s all too easy to take offense. To flush red, glare, groan and snarl requires no insight. Reflection, on the other hand, is a science of the heart. Much is to be discovered by looking beneath the surface. What […]