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Music of the Spheres: Gamaka Commentaries, Nirtan

“The Message is a call to those whose hour has come to awake, and a lullaby to those who are meant to sleep.”

The Divine Face is shrouded in 70,000 veils of prismatic light and dappled darkness. Each veil is a cover on the bed of the sleeping soul. To throw off the covers and banish dreams is to meet the Eternal Sun.

The world would disappear if the totality of souls leapt from their beds at once. There are cloud castles still to be built here; night is not yet at its end. We are each to remain in the sleeping rooms of I-thou until the hour of our summoning before the Presence of I-Am-That-I-Am.

How melodiously the holy prophets and prophetesses intone the lullabies that exorcise our night terrors and becalm our nocturnal hours. Pacified by their ethereal hymns, we sleep well.

When the time is right, they will lift up their voices in another fashion. Like a peal of thunder, their beckoning call will compel us to sit up, and then to rise resolutely on our feet.

Sand will fall from eyes. Blankets will drop from bodies. Gazes will turn to the East. And dawn will break.