
31 December 2022 Dearest friends, On this last day of the Gregorian Calendar, common year 2022, we again thank you for so generously giving toward our fall appeal. As of this morning, we have raised $173,942, significantly more than our goal of $150,000. If you still feel called to give by year-end, to help us […]

🌟We recognized our divinity + Pir Zia’s spring calendar preview…🌟

Inayatiyya To Do List 2022 – Day Six On the sixth day, we add three more items to our To-Do List for 2022. Were you with us when we… ✓ Were inspired by sacred text? ✓ Recognized our divinity? ✓ Connected our eating to agriculture? ✓ Kindled the light for all who hold the light of truth? ✓ […]

🌟We kindled the light + top videos of 2022…🌟

Inayatiyya To Do List 2022 – Day Five Together we reflect and grow our to-do list. Do you remember that we:  ✓ Kindled the light for all who hold the light of truth? ✓ Discerned our own calling to heal bodies, hearts and souls?  ✓ Drew strength from the Earth and gave kindness in return? ✓ […]

🌟Do you remember being a tendril? + $28,193 more to raise…🌟

Inayatiyya To Do List 2022 – Day Four Since Sunday, 53 of us have given, raising another $8,560. Our fall appeal grand total is now $121,807, with $28,193 more to raise by the end of the year. Thank you for helping us make this goal, to ensure the well-being of our work into 2023. Do you […]

The Caged Bird sings …

Inayatiyya To Do List 2022 – Day Three Continuing onward, as we further reflect on our wealth of experiences in 2022, have you …  ✓ Oriented toward the New Moon? ✓ Read “Caged Bird” by Maya Angelou? ✓ Called forth healing for those living in places of conflict? ✓ Traveled to Saturn? ✓ Received wisdom from Grandmothers? ✓ Listened to Coltrane’s […]

Traveling to Saturn… 💛

Inayatiyya To Do List 2022 As we continue our year in review, in 2022 have you been together with your Inayatiyya companions and …  ✓ Traveled to Saturn? ✓ Received wisdom from Grandmothers? ✓ Listened to Coltrane’s “Love Supreme”? ✓ Breathed like a wolf? ✓ Whirled in ecstacy? ✓ Held the silence? If you have done any or all of the above, […]

Breathing like a wolf and $36,573 more to raise… 💛

Inayatiyya To Do List 2022 We have done much together in 2022! Every day this week we will highlight our “To Do List,” a sampling of offerings from this past year. Where else other than in the presence of our Inayatiyya community can such a wealth of experience be found?  In 2022, have you … […]

⭐ I’d love to introduce you to the Astana staff team.⭐

13 December 2022 Warm Greetings Friends, It is such a joy to be part of the Astana staff; this amazing group of talented and dedicated people who provide the underpinning, both seen and unseen, to support Pir Zia’s work, the work of our Seven Activities and the Inayatiyya’s global network. (See Astana staff details here.) It […]

⭐ Receive an excerpt of Pir Zia’s new book, Immortality⭐

6 December 2022 Dear friends, We are pleased to announce Pir Zia’s forthcoming title, Immortality: A Traveler’s Guide, published by Suluk Press. Immortality: A Traveler’s Guide is comprised of 180 selections of Hazrat Inayat Khan’s teachings from The Soul Whence and Whither, accompanied by Pir Zia’s commentary and contemplative practices related to each theme. This […]