Breathing like a wolf and $36,573 more to raise… 💛

Inayatiyya To Do List 2022

We have done much together in 2022! Every day this week we will highlight our “To Do List,” a sampling of offerings from this past year. Where else other than in the presence of our Inayatiyya community can such a wealth of experience be found? 

In 2022, have you …

✓ Breathed like a wolf?
✓ Whirled in ecstasy?
✓ Held the silence?

May our list grow over the coming days as we review what we’ve done together throughout 2022, in gratitude…

Wolf—Hollar, W., Animalium, Ferarum, & Bestiarum (1663); Whirling Dervish—Victoria & Albert Museum.


Inayatiyya Fall Appeal Update 2022

We are incredibly grateful for all that you give in support of Murshid’s legacy. As of this morning, 220 friends have donated $113,427 toward this year’s Inayatiyya’s Fall Appeal. Our overall goal is $150,000+ by Friday, December 30th. Every bit truly counts. Here is the link if you would still like to make a donation by year-end. 

Please note that donations must be received and deposited by Friday, December 30th to be considered as within 2022. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send to Inayatiyya, 112 E Cary Street, Richmond, VA 23219. 

If you make a donation by this coming Friday, December 23rd, you will receive a free excerpt of Pir Zia’s forthcoming title, Immortality: A Traveler’s Guide, to be emailed next Monday. All who tithed this fall will also receive a copy of the excerpt. 

The Inayatiyya is a non-profit 501c3 organization, Tax ID #23-7159641. Your donation may be fully deductible for tax purposes per United States IRS guidelines. Online donations may be made via If you would like to donate via check, please make payable to the Inayatiyya, 112 E. Cary Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219. Thank you!