Welcome to Our New Website

Welcome to our long-awaited new North American website!

This is just a first step. Together with Satya Inayat Khan (who is updating all our communications, and who also designed the site) and Netanel Miles-Yépez (our editor and author of the site), as well as Eric Mercer, Darakshan Farber, Rehan Morey, and Ibrahím Pedriñán (our online video and audio team), we will be gradually refining the image and voice of the site, as well as rolling out new features through the course of the year.

The future of the Inayati Order’s World Wide Web presence will include:
  • A growing collection of new teachings and resources for the public;
  • A special section of resources specifically for students within The Inayati Order;
  • New video and audio resources of Inayati Order teachers-for free, for rent and for purchase;
  • A growing social media presence on Facebook and Twitter (adding other social media sites over time);
  • A comprehensive events calendar for The Inayati Order (including select senior teachers in addition to Pir Zia);
  • An ever-improving map and listing of Inayati Order centers worldwide;
  • A list of Inayati Order Spiritual Guides by state and region;
  • As well as other improvements and updates (reasonable for our small staff and volunteers) to be implemented over time.
Through inayatiorder.org (and its related social media platforms), we are envisioning new means of deepening our practice and friendship together, growing and strengthening our worldwide community of “Wayfarers on the Endless Path.” We are very happy to have you join us.


With much love,


Jennifer Alia Wittman
Executive Director
The Inayati Order
Social Media: /jenniferalia
P.S.: If you missed Pir Zia’s message on New Year’s Day, announcing the new name of our Order, please see Our New Name.
Any feedback on the new website or ideas for it can be addressed to Satya Inayat Khan at communications@inayatiorder.org