Our New Logo


Dear friends,

We are very happy to share our new logo, which brings together our new name, The Inayati Order, tagline, and the heart and wings.

Our hope is that the logo will invoke the feeling that Hazrat Inayat Khan described when explaining the symbol of the Order:

 “…The heart is both earthly and heavenly. The heart is a receptacle on earth of the divine spirit, and when it holds the divine spirit, it soars heavenward: the wings picture its rising. The crescent in the heart symbolises responsiveness: it is the heart that responds to the spirit of God that rises. The crescent is a symbol of responsiveness because it grows fuller by responding more and more to the sun as it progresses. 

The light one sees in the crescent is the light of the sun. It gets more light with increasing response, so it becomes fuller of the light of the sun. The star in the heart of the crescent represents the divine spark reflected in the human heart as love, which helps the crescent toward its fullness…Therefore, this sentence will explain, in short, the meaning of the symbol: the heart, responsive to the light of God is liberated.”

Jeremy Foster, a graphic and web designer specialising in publications and editorial design and production, designed the logo. He is based in Warwickshire, UK. Trained as a fine artist, he started his freelance career by working with several academic publishers in Oxford. More recently he worked on retail and automotive accounts for leading design agencies in the UK. His clients include architects and international conferences. He designs Caduceus Journal and has also worked with the Inayati Healing Order, Zenith Institute, Seven Pillars House of Wisdom and Sulūk Europe. www.foster-design.net

To give you a sense of how the logo will be used in different situations, three versions are shared below, including one with just the tag line, one showing the name of a country, and one in another language.

ilogo_new logo-with-strap-australia logo-with-strap-germany

Over the coming weeks, we will:

  • Begin to incorporate the logo into all of our print and digital media. This is a process that will take several months.
  • Share a “Style Guide” outlining how to use the logo, specifically created for Inayati Order Centers and related organizations. Our centers and organizations will also receive copies of the logo in .tif and .pdf, in colour and black and white. Also, if an Inayati Center, there will also be a version of the logo that allows you to insert the location and/or name of your center.

If you have questions about the logo, please contact Jennifer Alia Wittman in North America, alia@inayatiorder.org, and Gulrukh Patel for all other parts of the world, gulrukh@inayatiorder.org.

We hope you enjoy this new iteration of our symbol and our identity.

Gulrukh Patel
International Coordinator
The Inayati Order