The Zephyr, January 2024

20 January 2024

Dear Companions on the Path—

Greetings! We have a lot to share in these first weeks of the new year…

Pir Zia is spending a few weeks on his new writing project, working on his forthcoming title, Tears from the Mother of the Sun, with the visual artist Amruta Patel. He has a manuscript due to Inner Traditions by September, so with his full teaching schedule, there is no time to spare! While Pir Zia is offline, I have been asked to write “The Zephyr” for January, and share a report from the Astana.

When we say, “the Astana,” we mean both our headquarters in Richmond, Virginia—the physical location—and also our staff in the United States and Europe, making up our “virtual office.” Every January the Astana staff has an “administrative month” setting details for spring programs, closing out the bookkeeping from the year before, recognizing donors (thank you to everyone who donated in 2023!), and handling many other business-y tasks required the first weeks of the year. Please know we are here, likely on our computers, keeping heads down until resurfacing for the spring semester.

Saying all of this, it has been an unusual winter. Last month, we realized that we would end the year with a financial deficit of a little more than $100,000. During the pandemic our offerings grew exponentially online, increasing our income for 2020-2022, and requiring us to bring on more staff.

Over the last year, as much of the world, we have been trying to find equilibrium between online and in-person programs. In this mix, we now have more overhead costs—staffing, facilities, general administration—than income to pay for these expenses. As a result, we are in the process of finding balance and renewed focus as we envision and plan for the future.

As part of this balancing, we have taken the step of reducing staff expenses. This process has been eased by the recent news that Julianna Takacs, our Director of Programs, together with her husband Brad, purchased a grocery store in New Hampshire. She will work with us part-time through April, then become a full-time grocer. Beginning May 1, we will discontinue this essential program role, at least for now. We are very happy for Julianna and Brad and wish them much success!

We have also made the decision to discontinue the Music Director role, the one that Tarana Jobin has so beautifully held since summer 2018. As many of you likely know, Tarana is a masterful manifester, whole-heartedly devoted to the Inayatiyya’s musical lineage, and to music itself. The Inayatiyya International Board shares more on Tarana’s service in support of the Message in their note below.

And also, gratefully, Kenneth Sparks, our Director of Operations, has agreed to go from 40 to 30 hours a week to help during this time. We are incredibly fortunate to have found Kenneth in 2017, via Indeed of all places. He has served as vital staff since July 5, 2017, Murshid’s birthday and the Astana’s first day in Richmond.

Even with these changes, our budget for 2024 is still not quite balancing. By the end of March, we hope to balance the budget, and by the end of June, set a sustainable course for 2024-2025.

As all of this works itself out, please know that we are optimistic. Everything in the world is changing right now, and the Inayatiyya must change too. Something greater is calling us forth—may we open ourselves to hearing this call.

And please know that we will share more about our change process in February, including results from the Big Questions surveys, detailed data on our finances, staff roles, and potential directions to consider going forward. We want your ideas and involvement.

In the midst of it all, we very much look forward to our spring programs. Our calendar is now updated with many new and continued offerings! Please go through and see what most interests you.

We also want to encourage all of us to be together again, in person! Let’s make 2024 the year that we return to being in the same space, drinking tea, catching up, sharing in practice. Go to a local Inayatiyya Centergathering, meet us at a seminar or camp, and visit the Astana and/or Fazal Manzil.

Most newsworthy are two big gatherings happening this coming summer—

We return to Omega Institute the week of June 23-28 for The Sufi Path of Love with Pir Zia, Omid Safi, Nizam un Nisa, Shams al Haqq, Tarana & Julianna. You should come too! Registration is now open.

Also, Zenith Camp is moving this year to the Caduceus Center in Bad Bevensen, Germany. Pir Zia will be at the camp July 28th to August 3rd followed by a second week with other favorite Inayatiyya teachers.

Please come attune with us in real life this year. It would be a gift to see you!

In friendship & gratitude,
Jennifer Alia Wittman

PS—And most immediately, we invite you to join us for Murshid’s Urs the weekend of February 3-5th. If you are adventurous, and have time, please come be in person at Fazal Manzil. Or, if this is not possible, join us online. All details may now be found here.

Hazrat Inayat Khan’s 97th Urs
February 3rd – 5th, 2024
Fazal Manzil, France & via Zoom

On the auspicious occasion of the 97th Urs of Hazrat Inayat Khan, you are invited to a celebration at Fazal Manzil. We will gather in the presence of Pir Zia Inayat Khan and Shaikh-Al-Mashaik Mahmood Khan and in the name of love. There will be music, meditation, conversation, a Universal Worship, and zikrMore details and Zoom Link.

Inayatiyya International Board
January 2024 News

As the Inayatiyya International Board, we have some news to share with you about World Wide Message Council Transitions and new members of the International Board. Read more…

Pir Vilayat Archive Project

Happy New Year! Once again, it is time for us to update you on the progress of the Pir Vilayat Archive Project. We have accomplished so much in the last three months! One reason is that a long time murid, Ata’allah Bill Meacham, has joined the core team. He worked in the software industry for over 20 years and his expertise has enabled us to create a prototype of the archive using Omeka S. This is a huge accomplishment and we are so grateful for his dedication and service!​ Read more…

The Zephyr is a monthly newsletter of the Inayatiyya, an interfaith mystical fellowship with branches worldwide. For more information, please visit us at