Season of the Rose: Sufi Zikr, Sohbet & Dessert Evenings

P U B L I C   E V E N I N G   P R O G R A M S

The Inayati Order, a Sufi lineage based on the teachings of the Indian mystic, Hazrat Inayat Khan (1882-1927), will hold its annual summer gathering, Season of the Rose: Essentials of the Sufi Path, in Portland, Oregon, July 6-11, 2016. All are invited to join us at the gorgeous campus of Lewis & Clark College for evenings of Sufi Zikr, Spiritual Conversation & Dessert.  The evenings of July 7–10 are open to the public for a suggested donation of $10-20 (sliding scale). For details and directions, see below and visit

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Tickets may be purchased at the door or via Eventbrite:

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T H U R S D A Y, J U L Y 7, 2016

Sufi Zikr, Spiritual Conversation & Dessert
Lewis & Clark College, South Chapel
Doors Open 7:30 pm. Sliding Scale $10-$20 at the Door.

An evening of Sufi Zikr, Spiritual Conversation & Dessert during the Inayati Order’s annual summer gathering, Season of the Rose: Essentials of the Sufi Path. General Admission: $10-$20 at the door (sliding scale). All are welcome! Lewis & Clark Map

Featuring Amir O’Loughlin (Vancouver, BC), Gayan Macher and Satya Inayat Khan (Fairfax, California), Hadi and Shakina Reinhertz (Vallejo, California) of the Inayati Order and Mevlevi Order of America.

F R I D A Y, J U L Y 8, 2016

Sukhawat Ali Khan in Concert w/Special Guest Pir Zia Inayat-Khan
Lewis & Clark College, Agnes Flanagan Chapel
Doors Open 7:30 pm. General Admission: $10-$20 at the door (sliding scale).

Join Master Indian Musician Sukhawat Ali Khan for an evening of Sufi Qawwali, Spiritual Conversation & Dessert, as part of Season of the Rose: Essentials of the Sufi Path. Featuring special guest, Sufi Teacher Pir Zia Inayat-Khan. Lewis & Clark Map

S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 9, 2016

Sufi Zikr, Spiritual Conversation & Dessert
Lewis & Clark College, South Chapel
Doors Open 7:30 pm. Sliding Scale $10-$20 at the Door.

An evening of Sufi Zikr, Spiritual Conversation & Dessert during the Inayati Order’s annual summer gathering, Season of the Rose: Essentials of the Sufi Path. General Admission: $10-$20 at the door (sliding scale). All are welcome! Lewis & Clark Map

Featuring Amir O’Loughlin (Vancouver, BC), Tasnim Fernandez (Los Angeles, California), and Netanel Miles-Yepez (Boulder, Colorado).

S U N D A Y, J U L Y 10, 2016

Sufi Zikr, Spiritual Conversation & Dessert
Lewis & Clark College, South Chapel
Doors Open 7:30 pm. Sliding Scale $10-$20 at the Door.

An evening of Sufi Zikr, Spiritual Conversation & Dessert during the Inayati Order’s annual summer gathering, Season of the Rose: Essentials of the Sufi Path. General Admission: $10-$20 at the door (sliding scale). All are welcome! Lewis & Clark Map

Featuring Amir O’Loughlin (Vancouver, BC), Devi Tide (Seattle, Washington), Nasiban Schatz (Portland, Oregon), a short Universal Worship and the Golden Heart Awards.

Lewis & Clark College is located at 0615 S.W. Palatine Hill Road, Portland, OR 97219. Please see the downloadable map for the exact location of evening events.




Amir O’Loughlin has been a teacher and guide in the Inayati Order for over 30 years. In addition to his roles in the Inayati Order, Amir is a musician and recording artist whose albums, Merhaba and Opener of Wings, have garnered praise in both North America and Europe. He was the founding conductor of The Universal Gospel Choir, and has led hundreds of evenings of spiritual music through the years, including the monthly “Universal Kirtan,” an interfaith approach to Kirtan chanting and song. In his professional life, Amir is a psychotherapist and lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Shakina Reinhertz is both a long-time teacher in the Inayati Order, as well as a postneshin within the Mevlevi Order of America, training closely with  Postneshin Jelaluddin Loras. Shakina is author of the book, Women Called to the Path of Rumi: The Way of the Whirling Dervish (Hohm Press 2001), and lives in Vallejo, California with her husband and co-zikr leader, Hadi Reinhertz, another long-time teacher and guide within the Inayati Order, and also a member of the Inayati Order Board of Trustees.

Gayan Macher is a companion and guide to those called to the courageous path of love. He has been a teacher of Sufism for over 35 years. He headed The Inayati Order’s curriculum project that was the basis for Suluk Academy, and has been a teacher with Suluk since its inception. He has collaborated with Taj Inayat for over 20 years in translating the teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan into a training curriculum. Currently, they co-lead New Rain, a worldwide community of support for initiates who are committed to spiritual practice. Professionally, Gayan is a singer-songwriter and consultant to corporate executives. Gayan is based in Fairfax, California.  

Satya Inayat Khan is Director of Communications for the Inayati Order and a seasoned student of the Sufi path. Raised in the Inayati Order community, she took initiation in 1992 and graduated from Suluk Academy (Kafur) in 2007. Satya has a special love of the teachings on mastery and the chivalric rules, and has been a serious student of kung fu for the last fifteen years. She also does freelance marketing and web development and lives with her husband, Mirza, and their sons in Fairfax, California.


Sukhawat Ali Khan is a master Indian musician, specializing in Classical Raga singing and Sufi Qawwali music. He first began singing and playing harmonium under the guidance of his father, the legendary Pakistani/Indian vocalist Ustad Salamat Ali Khan. Sukhawat has performed at the Montreal, Monterey and Prospect Park Jazz Festivals, the Fillmore in San Francisco, the Getty Museum in Los Angeles, and at many other major venues across the United States and Europe, and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Pir Zia Inayat-Khan, Ph.D., familiarly known as Sarafil Bawa, is the spiritual leader of The Inayati Order. His books include Saracen Chivalry: Counsels on Valor, Generosity and the Mystical Quest (2012) and Mingled Waters: Sufism & the Mystical Unity of Religions (2017).


Rev. Tasnim Hermila Fernandez, a Sufi minister, is spiritual director of the Church of All in Burbank, California. Born in Mexico City, Rev. Tasnim awakened to the inner life of spirit in her late teens. She was initiated into the way of the Sufis by Hazrat Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan in 1971, and serves the Inayati Order as a representative and center leader, a healing conductor, and as a minister (cheraga) of the Universal Worship.

Netanel Miles-Yepez is the current head of the Inayati-Maimuni lineage of Sufism, co-founded with Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, fusing the Sufi and Hasidic principles of spirituality and practice espoused by Rabbi Avraham Maimuni in 13th-century Egypt with the teachings of the Ba’al Shem Tov and Hazrat Inayat Khan. He is the translator of My Love Stands Behind a Wall: A Translation of the Songs of Songs and Other Poems (Albion-Andalus 2015), and teaches Islam and Sufism in the Department of Religious Studies at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado.

See Amir O’Loughlin’s bio above.


Devi Tide is the Head of the Sufi Healing Order in North America, and has been a Sufi teacher and guide for over thirty years. A deep teacher of mediation and healing practices as tools for inner development, she has offered seminars, lectures and retreats to medical professionals, educators, sociologists, and lay people the world over, regularly teaching in Australia, New Zealand, India, Europe, and North America. She has spoken at the Harvard Mind-Body Institute, and was an invited delegate of the United Nations Millennium Peace Summit. Her current interest is using sound and music as vehicles of spiritual awakening and healing. Devi makes her home in Seattle, Washington.

Nasiban Schatz, together with her husband, Samuel Vilayat, are Inayati center leaders within the Portland area. Nasiban will be sharing her vocal talents with us Sunday evening.

See Amir O’Loughlin & Tasnim Fernandez’s bios above + additional friends will join us.
