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Receive A Free Gift from Pir Zia—A Chapter of His New Book

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It’s not too late to receive a free chapter of Pir Zia’s forthcoming book, Mingled Waters: Sufism & the Mystical Unity of Religions (expected from Suluk Press next spring).

Last week we decided to gift a more significant excerpt than originally planned. All who donate toward our Fall Appeal or sign up to tithe by this coming Friday, December 23rd, 2016, will receive their excerpt next weekend.

Some updates from our Fall Appeal so far:

As of this morning, we have raised a total of $179,996, with $134,352 from non-recurring donations, and another $45,644 in pledged annual tithes.

This includes the generous $50,000 match offered by an anonymous donor. Thank you to all who helped us raise the match amount within a little over two weeks.  As a result, $50,000 was donated to the Inayati Order, and another $50,000 to the Abode.

Our Board of Trustees has committed to 100% board giving. All 11 board members have donated toward this year’s appeal. To see the full list of board members, please visit:

Our overall goal is $200,000 by Saturday, December 31, 2016. This money goes toward offering programs, training, and support to you and the many people who contact us seeking information and guidance on the teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan.

See here for programmatic and financial details.

Also, this is a special time for us, in that we are planning to relocate our North American Headquarters to Richmond, Virginia in July of 2017. Your donation will help us with this move, and with our plans for expanded offerings once settled in our new home.

Please let us know if you have questions or need help in making a donation. Molly “Moon” Mooney is on call in our office at 518-794-7834 or via email at You can also visit the Inayati Order Facebook page here.

Wishing you much love and gratitude as we head toward the New Year!

Jennifer Alia Wittman on behalf of the Inayati Order Staff & Board

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The Inayati Order, PO Box 480, New Lebanon, New York 12125.

The Inayati Order, also legally known as the Sufi Order International, is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your donation is tax deductible as allowed by law. Federal ID #23-7159641.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]