Music of the Spheres: Gamaka Commentaries, Saying One

“I consider myself second to none since I have realized in myself the One Alone.”

Status is a worry that troubles many minds. Individuals and communities perpetually vie for dominance, scrambling to occupy higher echelons in the scheme of the world. Racism, classism, sexism, bigotry—these are all the byproducts of the common urge to be special. In the confused condition of the human mind in its worldly delirium, personal worth is imagined to depend on one’s rank in the pyramid of social perceptions. The rules of the game dictate that for one to be high, another must be low.

Thank goodness there is another way. Rather than looking up, enviously, toward “superiors,” or down, contemptuously, toward “inferiors,” Murshid advises: look within, to the indwelling completeness in the center of yourself. The same plenitude indwells in the center of every human being, uniting all lives in the one Perfect Being.