Music of the Spheres: Gamaka Commentaries, Saying Two

A fall does not break or discourage me, it only raises me to a new life.

Saint Paul says, “what you sow does not come to life unless it dies” (1 Corinthians 15:36). A seed must break apart in the earth if it is to unfurl and send up a stalk. Destruction is intrinsic to the process of creation.

The journey toward the One comprises many stops and starts, and every ending is a new beginning. A fall, however bruising, may prove an advance. When one falls, one’s previous momentum comes to a halt, and a pause follows. What is born in that pause gives rise to new momentum.

The pause after a fall, therefore, is a crucial moment. In that moment, if the mind and heart draw courage from the soul, a new and higher mode of life will commence. The seedpod of the old self will crumble away, a trusting root will sink down into the earth, and a hopeful shoot will climb up toward the sun.