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Music of the Spheres: Gamaka Commentaries, Vadan

“I have not come to teach you what you know not, I have come to deepen in you that wisdom which is already yours.”

The sun, the moon, and the stars inhabit you. A worshipful angel stands hidden within your frame, and a visionary djinn. Animals and plants are entwined in your limbs. Earth is your flesh, water your blood, fire your heat, and air your breath. The Most High pervades you as scent pervades a flower.

When the Murshid comes, a stranger has not come. You have come to yourself. The I in you has come to the self in you. The I teaches what you have always known, but have long since forgotten. There is nothing strange in this knowledge, though it may bewilder your distracted mind. This knowledge is what your bones know, what your soul knows.

The Murshid comes to tell you what you already know in the deepest recesses of your being. You are nothing. And in this nothingness, the All-and-Everything has made its home.