Fall Appeal for 2017

November 1, 2017

Dear Friends,

We want you to be part of this critical and exciting moment in the history of our order. The Inayati Order is at a threshold in its purpose to spread the unity of religious ideals and to awaken humanity to the divinity within, as expressed by Hazrat Inayat Khan.

Sufis have created gathering spaces all over the world, filled with baraka, where seekers receive teachings, converse with beloved friends over a glass of tea, write poems, play music, share in zikr practices, or whirl in ecstasy. In 1922, Hazrat Inayat Khan created such a space, which still exists almost one hundred years later, and named it Fazal Manzil, or “blessed house.” In 1975, Pir Vilayat created such a space at the Abode of the Message, where seekers, nestled in the woods, can still immerse in “the holy book of nature”.

At this time, to increase our ability to spread Murshid’s message of love, harmony and beauty, we are delighted and filled with gratitude to create such a space, which will soon be gathering its own baraka, in a beautiful, historic, building in Richmond, Virginia. Pir Zia has named it the Astana, meaning “threshold.”

There are two meanings to the word threshold. The first is an entrance. The Astana is the place we will enter, physically and spiritually; a threshold to our hearts. It will be our new home, housing our archive and providing a grounding center for our newly-staffed administrative offices from which we can better serve the needs of murids, leaders, and regions in North America, in addition to providing support for our order globally.

Threshold also means the magnitude or intensity that must be exceeded for something to occur or be manifested. At this time, more than ever, we need your help to garner our collective intention, agency and resources in sufficient magnitude and intensity to manifest our shared commitment to spreading Murshid’s timeless and relevant teachings.

Our order has never been so well-positioned in terms of space, staffing and institutional cohesion to make our intentions a reality. We are tremendously grateful for previous gifts and even more so this year. Please make a donation and be part of this auspicious and expectant time.

In love and service,

Tajalli Roselli
Board Secretary
Suluk Gulzar Class of 2015

P.S. Please see our Inayati Order Keynotes 2017 for details on our accomplishments, our future plans, and the various ways in which you can give. The Astana’s birth as our magnetic center and the Inayati Order’s expanding presence in the world depends on your generosity. Ya Fattah!