Inayatiyya Weekly Music Class:
Third Wednesdays, Fall 2021

The Sufi Message was born out of music. We invite you into the richness of the Inayatiyya musical heritage, and through this to attune in life. 

For Fall 2021 we offer a weekly Inayatiyya Music Class series Wednesdays, 11 am to 12 pm New York Time. Please see the sidebar for the time in your local area.

On third Wednesdays, September 22, October 20, November 17, and December 15, we will sing songs sacred to the Inayatiyya lineage, including those by Hazrat Inayat Khan, Maheboob Khan, Noor Inayat Khan, and others. Songs will be taught and learned through call and response so that that they live in us. 

Our teacher is Tarana Sara Jobin, North American Vice President of the Inayatiyya’s Music Activity based in Richmond, Virginia. She will be joined by a variety of special guests. 

See here for additional Inayatiyya Music Classes on Indian Music, Hazrat Inayat Khan’s Teachings on Music, and Whirling.

If you have questions about the content of this course series, please email 

Our Inayatiyya Music Class on Meshk is open to all! Offerings are welcome via our website. Thank you!


Dec 15 2021


11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Dec 15 2021
  • Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm






  • Sara Tarana Jobin
    Sara Tarana Jobin

    Sara Tarana Jobin is the Inayatiyya’s Music Director and Emeritus Vice President of its Music Activity. Professionally, she has a long career as an opera conductor and continues to freelance professionally. As a student of Sufism since 2010, and graduate of Sulūk Academy, she is dedicated to reviving and sharing the musical legacy of Hazrat Inayat Khan with all who find a home in his teachings.