Inayatiyya International Board Newsletter, June 2024

Inayatiyya International Board
News, June 2024

As the Inayatiyya International Board, we have some news to share with you about organizational leadership changes.

World Wide Message Council Transition

Our dear friend, Zumurrud Butta, is stepping down from her role as the European Madar al-Maham (Vice President of the Inner School). Her departure leaves a void, and her creative and sparkling mind, along with her gentle and kind approach to all tasks, will be greatly missed. During her tenure, she has been working diligently behind the scenes to cultivate the Inner School. She has also been building on the work of previous teachers in providing training and support to leaders in Germany.

The good news is that Zumurrud will continue to serve as head of the Inner School in Germany and as part of the European Inner School Training Committee.

We are delighted to say that the other members of the European Inner School Training Committee—Nigel Huzur Hamilton (UK), Saki Lee (The Netherlands), Tajalli Lacuisse (France), and Ischtar Dvorak (Germany) have agreed to take on the interim role of the European Madar al-Maham (Vice President of the Inner School). They have been responsible for many years for the development of the Inner School in their individual countries and for the whole of Europe. They bring with them their knowledge, dedication, and experience as practitioners and teachers on this path to this work.

Deepa Gulrukh Patel,
Chair of the Inayatiyya International Board

The Zephyr, April 2024

17 April 2024

Dear Companions on the Path,

Spring greetings to those in the North, and a happy Autumn to those in the South!

I am now back in Richmond following several weeks at Fazal Manzil and journeys to India and Germany.

In India I was invited by the revered Daaji, the leader of Heartfulness, to speak at a large conference at his ashram outside of Hyderabad. To say “large” is in fact to put it mildly: there were tens of thousands of attendees. Daaji’s ashram has been called the world’s largest meditation center. The President of India, Droupadi Murmu, graced the occasion.

Daaji’s lineage is an interesting one. It is traced to a Hindu contemporary of Hazrat Inayat Khan, Ram Chandra Lalaji, who was the disciple of a Naqshbandi master. Daaji emphasized our shared Naqshbandi roots when I spoke with him.

Daaji has recently published a detailed book on spiritual anatomy. There is a garden at the ashram in which a winding path takes meditative saunterers through a series of groves representing the thirteen chakras of the Heartfulness system, a wonderfully evocative experience.

Since every school has its own map of the invisible terrain inside the body, it should come as no surprise that the chakras of Heartfulness are not identical to the lata’if we highlight in the Inayatiyya. That being said, Daaji’s tranquil glow speaks eloquently of the effectiveness of his method. And may I add that each one of the disciples I met was a sahib-i dil, a true person of heart.

Being in Hyderabad afforded Pirani Sartaj and me the chance to pay our respects to Sayyid Abu Hashim Madani, the Murshid of our Murshid, whose tomb sits under a bright yellow dome in a little Sufi cemetery just beside a busy road in the Purana Pul quarter. A group of us gathered there on a sunny afternoon to say prayers in Arabic and English, offer roses and perfume, and listen to Hazrat Inayat Khan’s songs sung with roselike sweetness by our friend Aziza Rekha Bhardwaj. An uplifting pilgrimage.

Soon after returning from India it was time to travel to Germany for our annual spring retreat in Gersfeld, coinciding with Ramadan and Easter and anticipating Pesach. The theme this year, “The Song of the Pleiades,” was an exploration of the Inayatiyya’s seven activities—or shall I say “activations,” since they activate essential potentialities in ourselves and the world: the Inner School, Kinship, Universal Worship, Healing, Ziraat, Chivalry, and Music.

As always, the warm hearts of our German hosts and companions on the path made it a delightful occasion. Afterward, we had the chance to visit an ancient and mysterious site in Westphalia, the Externsteine. Legend holds that this was the seat of the eminent seeress Veleda, and there is certainly an unmistakable numinous energy there.

Last week was Eid al-Fitr. For Muslims worldwide, the fast of Ramadan has reached its end. People of all faiths, however, are finding it difficult to enjoy their bread and butter when over a million people in Gaza are facing severe famine due to airstrikes and the blockade of aid. As we know, catastrophic food insecurity is also endemic in Haiti, the Dry Corridor of Central America, multiple regions in Africa, as well as Syria, Yemen, and Afghanistan.

The archangel Mika’il is said to stave off military aggressors and to tend to the fertility of the land. We see today how sustainable agriculture, the preservation of the seasons’ equilibrium, the fair distribution of resources, and the just application of international law are key to fending off the tragedy of mass starvation. We need Mika’il’s touch.

Yours ever,
Pir Zia

Earth Day 2024 – Gaia Sings
April 20th, 6 pm EDT / 8 am Next Day Australia
/10 am Next Day New Zealand

This coming Saturday, April 20th, the Inayatiyya Music and Ziraat Activities invite us to celebrate Mother Earth through music. Our guides include Aziza Barker-Stanton, Saraswati Andrea Burke, Nehmat Bev Kyan, Mariam Mary Neil, Lauraine Carpenter, Mu’izza Mizen, LatifaNoor Anderson, and Saki Lee via video. All are welcome to attend. There is a suggested donation of $10 for this program with the option to donate any amount or come for free. More details and registration.

Astana Open House Weekend
The Astana, Richmond, Virginia
May 3rd – 5th, 2024

In a little over two weeks, May 3rd through 5th, we will gather at the Astana, the Inayatiyya’s home in Richmond, Virginia, for a bit of baraka with our Pir. Many close friends will join Pir Zia including Srinivas Reddy, Anirudh Alva Changkakoti, Jabriel Hasan, Rabia Povich, and Tarana Jobin. We will be together in silence, meditation, ritual, music, sama, suhbat, practice, and friendship, deepening ourselves within the attunement of the mystical teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan. More details and registration.

Awakening—Pir Vilayat’s 20th Urs
Monday, June 17th via Zoom

Please join us for a very special commemoration of the life of Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan on Monday, June 17th, 2024. Our theme is Awakening, with attunements led by Taj, Ophiel, Amida, Saki, Nigel, and Pir Zia, every hour on the hour. This is a free, meditative experience open to everyone. You are welcome to come for all or parts of the day. We will share more details soon! For now, please save the date!

The Sufi Path of Love w/ Pir Zia and Friends
Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, New York
June 23rd – 28th, 2024

This summer we return to Omega Institute for a five-day retreat with Pir Zia and many friends, including Omid Safi, Nizam un Nisa Husain, Tarana Jobin, Shams al Haqq, and Julianna Takacs. Please join us for teachings, practices, music, whirling, conversation, and friendship! Flowing endlessly from the One, the Sufi discovers a force, an emotion, which will not fit into the narrow boxes of human language. The closest we can come to naming it is to speak of “love.” More details and registration.

Inayatiyya International Board
April 2024 News

As the Inayatiyya International Board, we have some news to share with you about organizational leadership changes. This month, we have several changes in the World Wide Message Council, a dedicated group of leaders that upholds the development and fruition of the Seven ActivitiesRead more…

Also, please note that we have now posted our full summer schedule. Come be with us in France, Turkiye, Germany, and/or the Netherlands! See our calendar for details.

The Zephyr is a monthly newsletter of the Inayatiyya, an interfaith mystical fellowship with branches worldwide. For more information, please visit us at

Inayatiyya International Board Newsletter, April 2024

Inayatiyya International Board
News, April 2024

As the Inayatiyya International Board, we have some news to share with you about organizational leadership changes. This month, we have several changes in the World Wide Message Council, a dedicated group of leaders that upholds the development and fruition of the Seven Activities.

With deep appreciation , we bid farewell to Wali Via, the Vice President of Ziraat for North America, Qutbuddin Schellenberg, the Vice President of Universal Worship in Europe, and Sarfaraz Berger, the Vice President of the Knighthood Activity in North America. Each of them has left an indelible mark on our organization, serving with vision and diligence. We wish them the best for their future endeavors.

We warmly welcome Jamia Haqq Eila Paul and Nehmat Bev Kyan from Oceania, who will succeed Wali in Ziraat; Basira Johnson, who has been working in the Knighthood activity in North America; and the European Universal Worship Council, which will be holding the Universal Worship activity in Europe.

Here is some more information about the Seven Activities.

Deepa Gulrukh Patel,
Chair of the Inayatiyya International Board

A Reflection on the Tragedy Unfolding in Gaza

26 February 2024

Dear Companions on the Path,

Many people throughout the world are inspired by the example of Pirzadi-Shahida Noor. She saw the horrors perpetrated by the Nazis against the Jews, as well as other groups, and felt the need to stand for justice in the spirit of Sufi chivalry. She was prepared to give her life and did give her life, having performed crucial acts of service requiring immense bravery and commitment.

My father Pir Vilayat also valiantly offered his service, and only barely survived. Needless to say, neither Noor nor my father conceived the German people as their enemy; their only intention was to confront the Nazi program of systematically degrading and destroying the lives of the “other,” which for the Nazis primarily meant the Jews.

In the last years of his life, my father told me he saw a pattern repeating itself. A Jewish ethnic state had been created on lands long inhabited and cultivated by Palestinians, the latter comprising a melange of Muslims, Christians, Jews, and Druze. The state of Israel received its mandate from an empire based far away, and emerged from the trauma of the Holocaust, a heartbreaking abomination of immeasurable proportions.

Trauma needs healing, and collective healing requires the careful work of generations. What hinders and diverts a process of healing is, in the grip of a wound, to indulge in mirroring the violence and humiliation one has suffered, visiting it now on another group, and in this way perpetuating the cycle.

My father was deeply concerned that this was happening in the Holy Land, where Palestinians were becoming the outcast “other” on acres they had peacefully tended for long generations. Looking back on the Second World War, he asked me rhetorically, “Is this what we (Noor and I) fought for?”

Mind you, my father always held the Jewish people, their religion, and their culture in high regard—as he did all peoples of the world. He used to love to sing the Hebrew song “Hashi Venu,” and would listen to “Kol Nidre” in deep meditation.

The conversations in which my father expressed to me his profound concern over the plight of the Palestinians took place long before the immense devastation that is happening now—he left this world almost twenty years ago. What would my father say now? What would Noor say?

I can only say what I see. After the Holocaust the world promised, “Never again.” Never again has to mean, never again to anyone. Every people deserve their rights, and when whole rows of neighborhoods are blown to dust, it’s time to acknowledge that appalling old patterns are recurring, and it’s time—and past time—to say: this ghastly destruction, this mass wreckage of beautiful God-given lives, cannot be the way to a future that anyone would wish for. It is the opposite of healing.

Imagine a world of truly embodied universal kinship prevailing planetwide. It can begin tomorrow if we all choose it.

Yours ever,
Pir Zia

The Zephyr, February 2024

21 February 2024

Dear Companions on the Path,

Greetings from Suresnes! I hope this finds you well.

It’s good to be back at Fazal Manzil. I arrived in time for a Leaders Training weekend on the theme of the shadow, unknowing, and black light. Afterward there were meetings with the Inayatiyya International Board, which is helping move us toward an integrated worldwide structure. The aim is planetization rather than globalization: a spiritual ecology rather than a hegemonic monoculture.

The following weekend was a time of gathering culminating in Visalat Day, Murshid’s Urs. Many fellow ashiqs and murids of Hazrat Inayat Khan from around the world joined us—some in person and others online—for a celebration of wisdom and love that took us to a number of beautiful and powerful inner places. See Our Urs Photo Album

Otherwise, I have been on a miniature sabbatical, away from email and meetings, putting the final touches on my new book. Since I have many engagements in the coming months, it’s a relief to have completed the manuscript ahead of the deadline, and I am grateful to those who have helped me carve out this little spell of seclusion.

What remains is the completion of the paintings that will accompany the text. The painter is Amruta Patil, an extraordinary iconographer of the many manifestations of sacred consciousness. It is amazing to watch, week by week, as vivid and arresting depictions of angels, elementals, and sages of many lands emerge from her magical brush.

On a somber note, this month has seen the departure from the world of two fellow murids who were close to my father and who served our community with diligence for decades: Mikhail Horowitz and Sharif Munawwir Graham. 

Mikhail served as my father’s audio engineer for many years, playing his favorite pieces of meditative music, recording his talks, and preserving the recordings. The archival project now underway at the Astana owes a good part of its basis to Mikhail’s steadfast work over the years. Mikhail also published an excellent biography of my father, and more recently composed a carefully researched biography of Murshid, which remains as yet unpublished.

The image of Mikhail that comes most immediately to my mind is this: he is sitting on a plastic chair behind the sound desk in the dappled light of the tent, his chin tilted up as he imbibes Bach’s soaring reveries, his eyes gently closed and his mouth unselfconsciously stretched wide in a smile of sheerest delight. 

Sharif Munawwir, a former college professor, contributed extensively to the work of the Nekbakht Foundation in Suresnes over the course of many years. As you may know, the Nekbakht Foundation is the organization that houses the transcripts of Murshid’s talks collected and preserved by his secretary Nekbakht Furnée. Sharif Munawwir initially assisted Nekbakht Furnée’s successor Munira van Voorst van Beest in the compilation of volumes in the foundation’s chronological Complete Works series; after Ms. van Voorst van Beest’s passing, he became the foundation’s resident archivist and lead editor of several further volumes. 

It was during this time that I invited a contribution from Sharif Munawwir for the book A Pearl in Wine, and received a splendid essay on the early history of the Order entitled “Spreading the Wisdom of Sufism: The Career of Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan in the West.” Sharif Munawwir will always be remembered for his wide knowledge of Murshid’s teachings and, especially, for his limitless love of Murshid himself. It is felicitous that, just a few weeks before he left the world, he was able to visit Murshid’s Dargah in India for the celebration of Visalat Day.   

May God bless and keep Mikhail and Sharif Munawwir always. 

And may God bless, protect, and heal the innocent victims of atrocious war.

Yours ever,
Pir Zia

P.S. I am eagerly looking forward to the imminent publication of Breathtaking Revelations by Carl W. Ernst, one of my primary academic mentors, and Patrick D’Silva. The volume presents and analyzes a pair of important yogic Sufi treatises separated by centuries but united by enduring insights belonging to a shared body of oral lore: the anonymous Persian version of the Fifty Kamarupa Verses and Hazrat Inayat Khan’s dictated teaching entitled The Science of Breath. This is a twofold treasure of authentic Indian esoteric knowledge.


Welcome to the Inner School
A Four-Part Course
March 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th at 6:00 pm ET

Discover the essence of Inayatiyya Sufism in our concise four-week course, “Welcome to the Inayatiyya.” This program is crafted to provide a comprehensive introduction, inviting both newcomers and seasoned seekers to explore this mystical lineage. Embark on this transformative four-week journey with seasoned teachers from the Inayatiyya. Come deepen your understanding and connection to the Inayatiyya Sufi tradition through a unique opportunity to explore spiritual wisdom and personal growth. More details and Registration.

Lexicon of the Sufis w/ Pir Zia Inayat Khan
Second Mondays—March 11th, April 8th & May 13th, 2024
12:00 – 1:00 pm ET / 6:00 – 7:00 pm CET

All friends, new and returning, are invited to join us as we explore the terminology of the Sufis as set out in A Glossary of Sufi Technical Terms by Abd Al Razzaq Qashani, a key textbook in Sufi circles for the last six and a half centuries. During each class, Pir Zia reviews the terms in alphabetical order, according to the original Arabic. Then he may also add terms unique to the lexicon of the Inayatiyya. More details and Registration.

The Prayers of the Inayatiyya

The Prayers of the Inayatiyya has been reissued with a beautiful new cover and the updated text of the prayers as initiated in 2022. This slim volume presents the prayers of the Inayatiyya lineage as an easy reference for daily use. Includes drawings and descriptions of the movements for Saum and Salat, as well as comments by Hazrat Inayat Khan on praying and prayers and an introduction by Pir Zia Inayat Khan on the five dimensions of prayer. Available now!


Inayatiyya International Board
February 2024 News

As the Inayatiyya International Board, we have some news to share with you about changes in Norway and the Hope Project. Read more…

If you are an iPhone user, you may be having issues when registering for Inayatiyya programs using your phone. We have learned that Eventbrite is not compatible with some iOS mobile devices. If this is the case for you, we recommend that you register using your computer or another device. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes!

The Zephyr is a monthly newsletter of the Inayatiyya, an interfaith mystical fellowship with branches worldwide. For more information, please visit us at

Inayatiyya International Board Newsletter, February 2024

Inayatiyya International Board
News, February 2024

As the Inayatiyya International Board, we have some news to share with you. 

Changes in Norway

We are happy to announce a new leadership team in Norway. Rabia Eli-Anne Skarholt has been appointed as the new Head of the Inner School. Along with the two other heads of activities in Norway, Basira Kjersti Opstad (head of Knighthood) and Qalbi Nadia Siddique (Shefayat in the Healing Activity), they will create a shared leadership model to help the Inayatiyya flourish. Magdelena Eli Eikeland will be supporting them in their work.

Alia Sura Arnesen and Shams Uwais will no longer be representing the Inayatiyya in their work going forward. We wish them the best in all their endeavors.

The Hope Project

Within the Inayatiyya, one of the ways that the Kinship activity is expressed is through the Hope Project in India. Kinship inspires people to work together to serve those in need, to protect and restore the web of life on Earth, and to create a more just and beautiful world. We are happy to share the annual report from the Hope Project which highlights the excellent work that is being done in Delhi.

The Zephyr, January 2024

20 January 2024

Dear Companions on the Path—

Greetings! We have a lot to share in these first weeks of the new year…

Pir Zia is spending a few weeks on his new writing project, working on his forthcoming title, Tears from the Mother of the Sun, with the visual artist Amruta Patel. He has a manuscript due to Inner Traditions by September, so with his full teaching schedule, there is no time to spare! While Pir Zia is offline, I have been asked to write “The Zephyr” for January, and share a report from the Astana.

When we say, “the Astana,” we mean both our headquarters in Richmond, Virginia—the physical location—and also our staff in the United States and Europe, making up our “virtual office.” Every January the Astana staff has an “administrative month” setting details for spring programs, closing out the bookkeeping from the year before, recognizing donors (thank you to everyone who donated in 2023!), and handling many other business-y tasks required the first weeks of the year. Please know we are here, likely on our computers, keeping heads down until resurfacing for the spring semester.

Saying all of this, it has been an unusual winter. Last month, we realized that we would end the year with a financial deficit of a little more than $100,000. During the pandemic our offerings grew exponentially online, increasing our income for 2020-2022, and requiring us to bring on more staff.

Over the last year, as much of the world, we have been trying to find equilibrium between online and in-person programs. In this mix, we now have more overhead costs—staffing, facilities, general administration—than income to pay for these expenses. As a result, we are in the process of finding balance and renewed focus as we envision and plan for the future.

As part of this balancing, we have taken the step of reducing staff expenses. This process has been eased by the recent news that Julianna Takacs, our Director of Programs, together with her husband Brad, purchased a grocery store in New Hampshire. She will work with us part-time through April, then become a full-time grocer. Beginning May 1, we will discontinue this essential program role, at least for now. We are very happy for Julianna and Brad and wish them much success!

We have also made the decision to discontinue the Music Director role, the one that Tarana Jobin has so beautifully held since summer 2018. As many of you likely know, Tarana is a masterful manifester, whole-heartedly devoted to the Inayatiyya’s musical lineage, and to music itself. The Inayatiyya International Board shares more on Tarana’s service in support of the Message in their note below.

And also, gratefully, Kenneth Sparks, our Director of Operations, has agreed to go from 40 to 30 hours a week to help during this time. We are incredibly fortunate to have found Kenneth in 2017, via Indeed of all places. He has served as vital staff since July 5, 2017, Murshid’s birthday and the Astana’s first day in Richmond.

Even with these changes, our budget for 2024 is still not quite balancing. By the end of March, we hope to balance the budget, and by the end of June, set a sustainable course for 2024-2025.

As all of this works itself out, please know that we are optimistic. Everything in the world is changing right now, and the Inayatiyya must change too. Something greater is calling us forth—may we open ourselves to hearing this call.

And please know that we will share more about our change process in February, including results from the Big Questions surveys, detailed data on our finances, staff roles, and potential directions to consider going forward. We want your ideas and involvement.

In the midst of it all, we very much look forward to our spring programs. Our calendar is now updated with many new and continued offerings! Please go through and see what most interests you.

We also want to encourage all of us to be together again, in person! Let’s make 2024 the year that we return to being in the same space, drinking tea, catching up, sharing in practice. Go to a local Inayatiyya Centergathering, meet us at a seminar or camp, and visit the Astana and/or Fazal Manzil.

Most newsworthy are two big gatherings happening this coming summer—

We return to Omega Institute the week of June 23-28 for The Sufi Path of Love with Pir Zia, Omid Safi, Nizam un Nisa, Shams al Haqq, Tarana & Julianna. You should come too! Registration is now open.

Also, Zenith Camp is moving this year to the Caduceus Center in Bad Bevensen, Germany. Pir Zia will be at the camp July 28th to August 3rd followed by a second week with other favorite Inayatiyya teachers.

Please come attune with us in real life this year. It would be a gift to see you!

In friendship & gratitude,
Jennifer Alia Wittman

PS—And most immediately, we invite you to join us for Murshid’s Urs the weekend of February 3-5th. If you are adventurous, and have time, please come be in person at Fazal Manzil. Or, if this is not possible, join us online. All details may now be found here.

Hazrat Inayat Khan’s 97th Urs
February 3rd – 5th, 2024
Fazal Manzil, France & via Zoom

On the auspicious occasion of the 97th Urs of Hazrat Inayat Khan, you are invited to a celebration at Fazal Manzil. We will gather in the presence of Pir Zia Inayat Khan and Shaikh-Al-Mashaik Mahmood Khan and in the name of love. There will be music, meditation, conversation, a Universal Worship, and zikrMore details and Zoom Link.

Inayatiyya International Board
January 2024 News

As the Inayatiyya International Board, we have some news to share with you about World Wide Message Council Transitions and new members of the International Board. Read more…

Pir Vilayat Archive Project

Happy New Year! Once again, it is time for us to update you on the progress of the Pir Vilayat Archive Project. We have accomplished so much in the last three months! One reason is that a long time murid, Ata’allah Bill Meacham, has joined the core team. He worked in the software industry for over 20 years and his expertise has enabled us to create a prototype of the archive using Omeka S. This is a huge accomplishment and we are so grateful for his dedication and service!​ Read more…

The Zephyr is a monthly newsletter of the Inayatiyya, an interfaith mystical fellowship with branches worldwide. For more information, please visit us at

Inayatiyya International Board Newsletter, January 2024

Inayatiyya International Board
News, January 2024

As the Inayatiyya International Board, we have some news to share with you. 

World Wide Message Council Transitions

Our good friend, Tarana Jobin, has served as the Vice President of the Music Activity for the last four years. We are incredibly grateful for the immeasurable ways that she has enriched this activity. During this time, Tarana has hosted a multitude of samas, convened a multi-semester Mysticism & Music course, developed a music curriculum in collaboration with Ophiel, collected all Inayatiyya-related songs and taught them to others via meshk, published The Nirtan Songs, initiated and nurtured the Inayatiyya Musicians’ Guild, and galvanizing hundreds of Sufi musicians from around the world. 

Latifa Noor Anderson has agreed to be the next one to take up the mantle as Vice President of Music in North America. Latifa Noor is a professional cellist with a deep knowledge of Western and Indian classical music, performing in major venues around the world. She holds Bachelor of Music degrees from the Juilliard School and California State University at Sacramento and a Master of Music degree from the Eastman School of Music. LatifaNoor is also a meditation teacher, retreat guide and, as a Representative within the Inayatiyya’s Inner School, founder of the Light of Harmony Center—Inayatiyya of Dobbs Ferry, New York, just north of Manhattan.

International Board New Members

We are also delighted to welcome three new trustees to the Inayatiyya International Board.

Thomas Munawar Aubepart is an entrepreneur and trainer. He’s a genuine all rounder with a special interest in tea, poetry, environment, diversity, and engineering. He was a lobbyist during the COP21 in Paris, then worked as a strategy consultant before starting his own business in the tea industry. Thomas received a master degree in management with a special focus in environment, sustainability and development economics. As a volunteer, he was chair of the NGO Empow’her and the theater company Alkimia. Thomas first came in contact with Inayatiyya in 2016.

Oona Eager is an entrepreneurial and collaborative leader, working primarily on innovative communications and community-building projects in the philanthropic and impact investing spaces.She has been a student of Sufism since 2019, first with Hurqalya Center, and now as an alumni of Suluk Academy class Lulu wa Marjan. She is Canadian, having grown up on the sacred and unceded territories of the Coast Salish, Nuu-chah-nulth and Kwakwaka’wakw peoples. She is currently based in Amsterdam where she enjoys cycling absolutely everywhere!

Helena Doku has been part of the Sufi family for more than five years. She is passionate about using the wisdom of the Sufi path to find healing solutions to the ecological and social justice issues in the world. With this great foundation, she was inspired to co-found Haywanat, an Inayatiyya young adults network for collective healing. This  network is flourishing and provides a sacred space where young adults can share ideas about spiritual practices and sacred activism as well as on how to find creative solutions to the ecological crisis. Helena lives in Royal Leamington Spa in England and she loves playing with her sons, walking, dancing, and meditating in nature. 

The Zephyr, December 2023

21 December 2023

Dear Companions on the Path,

It’s drizzling today here in Richmond. It’s Maulana Rumi’s Urs – God bless and keep him. An hour ago we gathered for a Sunday Sama with Maestro Anupriya Deotale. Pure ecstasy.

Afterward I navigated to CNN. These words appeared at the top of the headline news feed:

“Approximately 18,800 Palestinians — 70% of whom were women and children — have died in Gaza between October 7 and December 15, the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah said in a statement Sunday.”

272 violent deaths a day, mostly of women and children.

Hanukkah has come and gone. Soon will come Christmas and the New Year. Friends are busy finding gifts for each other. It’s the season for sipping hot chocolate by the fire.

And there are 272 violent deaths a day in the Holy Land, mostly of women and children. And the bombings continue.

I visited the Holy Land with my father. We paid respects at the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and the Al-Aqsa Masjid. We did zikr beside Hazrat Rabia’s tomb.

The drizzle outside has become a steady rain. I pray for more of this water from heaven. I pray for a downpour to wash away the bombast, bomb blasts, gunshots, and land-grabs in the Holy Land and wherever lives are engulfed in violence.

The Inayatiyya is a big tent. We don’t tell each other, or anyone, what to believe or which political cause to champion. But the central pole of our tent has a meaning that could not be clearer: God is One and all beings are kin.

We cannot be happy when any group of people in the world is suffering. All are equal before God.

Maestro Anupriya’s raga is still ringing in my ears. I still see the dervishes whirling. Our planet is likewise whirling around the sun. In our skin, electrons are whirling.

Explosions make noise, but no music. Music is the antidote to noise. The remedy for aggression and domination is harmony. The way that Maestro Anupriya and her tablist listen to each.

In our Inayatiyya tent there are Christians and Muslims, Jews and Arabs, and people of various political views. For all our differences, there is much that unites us. We wish for the world what we wish for each other, and we wish for each other what we wish for ourselves.

It’s raining hard now. I remember being in the retreat tent in the Alps when big storms swept in. Talking became impossible. We would spend an hour listening to the rain.

272 violent deaths a day in the Holy Land these last two months. Daily we pray Amaan, invoking sanctuary. Sanctuary for the slain, for those with crushed limbs, for those who have lost dearly loved ones, and for the enormous multitudes who have lost their homes.

Rain of heaven, wash us here below. Wash the bloodstains and the bloodthirst. We can’t be content when fellow humans suffer. The Palestinians are enduring unimaginable civilian devastation right now; let it stop at once. Pour over the Earth the music of Heaven.

The same water flows in the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, Dal Lake, the Rio Grande, Nile, Ili, and Setit rivers, and the canals of the Netherlands. The same blood flows in the veins of all of us. Every march, every letter to a decision maker, every donation, and every prayer that goes toward saving lives is an attestation to oneness. Cast your bread upon the waters.

Eternal Musician, give us the song that fathoms heartache and resilience, the song that will build bridges where there was barbed wire, hospitals where there were ammunition dumps.

The Solstice is almost here. Send us the rain of Your Peace.

Yours ever,
Pir Zia

We would like to invite you to join us in prayer, practice and conversation in connection to Palestine and Israel. Please save the date of Saturday 30 December, 10 am EST/4 pm CET via Zoom. Hosted by the Inayatiyya International Board including Pir Zia, Gulrukh Patel, Munira Salomon and Farah Zeb. Additional details are forthcoming.

New Year’s Day Attunement w/ Pir Zia Inayat Khan
January 1st, 2024, 12:00 – 12:30 pm ET / 6:00 – 6:30 pm CET

We invite you to join us for our annual New Year’s Day Attunement, to be united in the sacred transmission of the Sufi mystic and musician Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan (1882-1927). All are welcomeMore details and Zoom Link.

In Family’s Footsteps

We would like to draw your attention to In Family’s Footsteps by Wali van der Zwan. In an unparalleled way, this new title describes the vision of Shaikh al-Mashaik Mahmood Khan on the Sufism of Hazrat Inayat Khan. For this month only, the book is available for a $5 per copy discount via Also, it is available on Amazon.

We highly recommend In Family’s Footsteps as a biography of our dear Shaikh al-Mashaik, one of the last living people who knew Murshid.


Inayatiyya Year-End Appeal 2023

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all who have given so far during our year-end appeal. To date, we have raised $112,652 toward our goal of $220,000 by December 31st. This money is essential to our budget, and goes toward future expenses that allow us to provide the programming and events that we all treasure.

We also express our appreciation to those who give so generously by making monthly contributions through tithing. You are a constant source of reliable support. We appreciate you and we know who you are!

We still have $107,348 to raise to meet our goal. Please donate today if you haven’t already! DONATE TODAY

The Zephyr is a monthly newsletter of the Inayatiyya, an interfaith mystical fellowship with branches worldwide. For more information, please visit us at

The Zephyr, November 2023

15 November 2023

Dear Companions on the Path,

For years now I have been writing to you every month through the channel of this Zephyr newsletter. During this time, our community has grown and expanded significantly. I have recently been feeling that the time has come to diversify the voice of the Zephyr, so that news from multiple quarters of our Sufi caravan can be shared with you. To this end, my plan is to write every other month rather than every month, and in between, to pass the pen to Gulrukh Patel and Jennifer Alia Wittman, who have fingers on many pulses and eyes on many horizons in their roles as International Chair and Astana Director respectively.

This issue of the Zephyr features Gulrukh’s voice, coming to us from Africa. You will also find a reflection from me in this link.

Yours ever,
Pir Zia

Dear Companions on the Path,

I am writing this from Africa where I have been working in Refugee camps in Malawi and Mozambique for the last 10 days.

I would like to invite you to take a seat in a circle which is made of known and unknown beings. The known I have met in the flesh, the unknown are still in my imagination.

As in any circle made in the heart, the space is limitless. Here there are refugees from the DR Congo, Syria, Burundi and Rwanda who have escaped war, genocide, insurgency, political abuse and gender based violence. There are local Malawians and Mozambicans. There are staff from UNHCR and local non profits. My life collaborator Helen is next to me.

Our circle is aged between 72 and a yet to be born baby. One of the refugees has been here for 22 years and a few have been born in the camp.

Some of you are already here, reciting the word Amaan.

Next to this group the imagined ones include an Israeli soldier, a Hamas fighter and the children of Palestine and Israel.

Every beings’ Ancestors and Angels hover in the air. The air is also filled with birdsong, again, known (crows and sparrows) and unknown. In the distance even from here it feels like we can hear the sound of the bombs dropping and the gunfire in Gaza.

So far I have not been able to invite world leaders to the circle; my heart is not open enough yet but as I write this I can feel the fluttering of the wings of their angels.

We are seated under 40 degree celsius (104 fahrenheit) heat (this is the hottest year on record) and in plain sight of a rock that is shaped like the face of an old man whose mouth looks like it is whispering words of silence.

Our conversation ebbs and flows between learning new skills, laughter, singing and hearing stories of pain and courage which are often followed by silence as tears flow and hearts are broken.

Each one of us has a unique way of navigating this thing called life. There is a group of young men in our group who do it through style and fashion. They are called Sapologists. This movement which originated in Congo has its own rules and dress code and while there is much to say about this, right now I want you to imagine a young man called Light, dressed in the finest pink suit with a walking stick and polished shoes, standing strong as he dares to challenge the gang culture of the camp just in the way he shows up.

One thing that we hear over and over again as we sit here is the level of betrayal and disappointment that people bear as they negotiate with governments and humanitarian agencies to live a life of dignity. It is expressed in the cry “I will never be free” on the inhale and on the exhale letting go so that their faith in God can show a different way.

There is a two year old whose laughter and glee as she runs around the circle stops us in our tracks and reminds us of the innocence of life. This is why the pain of a child dying every 10  minutes in Gaza feels so unbearable.

The writer Graham Greene said hate was a failure of imagination. In our work in the camps and in this circle it feels as though without the audacity it takes to imagine the impossible we are doomed to fail.

It is in the depths of our collective creativity that we have found ripened fruit. To get there we have learnt that is not only our goal to not cause harm but as important is to know what to do when harm is caused, which I am sad to say  it inevitably is.  This is a humbling and frightening experience because it requires a level of vulnerability that it is not easy to live in or show.

In our circle Helen and I are very aware that we have the luxury to take a pause and leave.  It can be easy from here to slip into guilt. The one thing that pulls us out is the phrase that Helen lives by “Only here once!” As soon as she thinks the words we know we have to look at the situation with new eyes and bring a different perspective.

Which brings me to this moment and the ongoing war in Israel and Palestine. In our heart circle there is pain, anger, disillusionment and hopelessness, there are lies and facts, there is the taking of sides and the not taking of sides, there is what can be done in my name and not in my name, there are lofty ideals and inhumane behaviour.

So what words can I express from my heart, where Murshid says “the whole universe is reflected”? And as he explains, “The universe is like a dome; it vibrates to that which you say in it, and answers the same back to you; so also is the law of action; we reap what we sow.”

It is this that has me saying out loud the inner prayer that I have been reciting with you and the words that I have not yet uttered in public: In my name, ceasefire now!

Gulrukh Deepa Patel

Inner History: The Beginning
From the Garden of Eden to the Tower of Babel
With Pir Zia Inayat Khan, Marcia Hermansen & Omid Safi
November 17th – 19th, 2023 via Zoom

Please join us for the first gathering of our new series, Inner History, with Pir Zia Inayat Khan, Prof. Marcia Hermansen, and Prof. Omid Safi. In his teachings in The Inner Life, Hazrat Inayat Khan describes the process that leads from spiritual exile to homecoming. The inner life is attained when the body, mind, and soul become consciously conjoined. To realize this entelechy, or perfection of nature, the mystic must make common cause with the animal, vegetal, mineral, jinnic, angelic, and universal dimensions of the Earth, step by step.

Our autumn gathering marks the beginning of our contemplative investigation of the spiritual history of the world. In this initial convening we will survey the vast tract of time from Earth’s inception to the Copper Age (5th-4th millennium B.C.E.). Subjects will include the primordial elementals of the Earth, the advent of humans, nascent prophecy and primal religion, ancient upheavals, forgotten migrations, and the ecstasy of shaman and animal.

Our primary sources will consist of Genesis and the Qur’an, the Tales of the Prophets (qisas al-anbiya’), the mystical historical writings of Shaykh al-Akbar Ibn ‘Arabi, Mawlana Rumi, Shah Wali Allah, Hazrat Inayat Khan, Pirzadi-Shahida Noor, and Pir Vilayat, as well as prehistoric art. Afterward, we plan to come together again twice a year through 2026. More details and registration.

Dear Friends, 

Over the next week the Inayatiyya will be asking you very big questions. Questions about you, questions about us, questions about how we can work together toward the unfoldment of our souls. We want to know what you experience, feel and think! Read more…

The Zephyr is a monthly newsletter of Inayatiyya, an interfaith mystical fellowship with branches worldwide. For more gatherings, please visit our Inayatiyya Digital Programs Calendar .


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