The Zephyr, March 2025

19 March 2025

Dear friends,

Greetings from England, where the daffodils are blooming, and we are anticipating the arrival of the bluebells.

As I focus on this month’s Zephyr, I am still digesting a recent trip to Glastonbury, notable for myths and legends often related to Glastonbury Tor, Joseph of Arimathea, the Holy Grail and King Arthur. The trip was in preparation for a gathering we are planning in September. As I gathered with my companions, I thought my task was to check out venues and spaces and decide the best way forward for the gathering. It soon became apparent that this work required blessings and permissions from various people, places, nature, and the Illuminated Souls. Our visit started with a beautiful Iftar dinner with our brothers and sisters in the Naqshbandi tariqa under the full moon. As we visited the various sacred sites, we were blessed by the Sun, who kept us warm on a chilly spring day. I drank the water from the White Spring, which is free to all, and we anointed ourselves at the Red Spring at the Chalice Well. We felt the stability and welcoming arms of the trees and allowed the roaring wind at the top of the Tor to wash away the cobwebs of winter and the chaos of our times. The Illuminated Ones, both of the ancient mythic past and recent times, surrounded us with their love and inspiration.

It is much easier to face the devastating news of our current world, where it feels as though the lack of ceasefires in the multiple wars is leading to greater and greater loss of life and even greater inhumane behavior.

These two things have been living in my heart amongst two medicinal questions from Arthur to the Grail King – “What ails thee?” And from Pir Vilayat to us – “What if?

Both are also present in the latest inspiration Pir Zia has recently shared with those holding and leading the Inayatiyya in the twenty-three countries: the principle of symbiosis.

Put simply, to practice the work of symbiosis, we need to remember and embody our Perfect Nature, feel the presence and guidance of the Illuminated Souls, and build a friendship and collaboration with the planets, nature and our fellow human beings. Here is a small glimpse into this principle, and the good news is that Pir Zia’s Spring retreat in Germany and online is based on this theme.

For now, we are in the spring of our task within the organisation, so we are watching for the ”green shoots” that reflect symbiosis both within the organization and worldwide.

An example that has inspired me this week as we mark World Water Day is happening on my doorstep, where a local Council has formally recognised the rights of the River Ouse, bringing it a step closer to becoming the first UK river to be granted legal personhood.

We would be delighted to hear from you about any projects, organisations, or people that you feel might reflect the principles of symbiosis or would be helpful as we do our work. Please email us at

As I get to the end, I realise that even the process of writing this is a reflection of symbiosis: I usually have to get past my fears of not having anything to write, which is greatly helped by the guidance of the Friends of God and, in this case, my companions in Glastonbury. You wouldn’t be reading this without the team that puts the Zephyr together or the creators of the internet and our devices, who enable this gentle breeze to land in your inbox.

In friendship,
Deepa Gulrukh

Lexicon of the Sufis w/ Pir Zia Inayat Khan
Mondays—April 7th, May 5th & Jun 2nd, 2025
12:00 – 1:00 pm ET / 6:00 – 7:00 pm CET

All friends, new and returning, are invited to join us as we explore the terminology of the Sufis as set out in A Glossary of Sufi Technical Terms by ‘Abd al-Razzaq al-Qashani, a key textbook in Sufi circles for the last six and a half centuries. During each class, Pir Zia reviews the terms in alphabetical order, according to the original Arabic. Then he may also add terms unique to the lexicon of the InayatiyyaMore details and registration.

The Spring of Reflection: The Living One Who Sees
International Sufi Conference
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 9th – 13th, 2025

At a time when deep polarisation and division threaten our global community, this gathering seeks to rekindle unity among humanity, create deeper connections that bind us, and reimagine a future rooted in peace, harmony, and spiritual growth. We are gathering to converse and remember the spiritual power of the Divine Name al-Hayy – The Living One – as a panacea for the current trend of the destruction of life.

The main idea is the experience of seeing God and being seen by God simultaneously, which opens us to enter into a deeper communion with that which is al Hayy, the Source of All Life. In these troubling times of violence and alienation from Nature, the resounding call is to seek out the Well of Self-Disclosure in ourselves so that the Spring of Eternal Life can ow, reviving us and our harmed planet. Pir Zia will be presenting on Saturday, April 12th from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. For more details and to register, please contact the event organizers here.

German Spring Retreat 2025
Symbiosis: The Intertwining of Lives, Loves, and Lights
April 17th to April 21st, 2025
Gersfeld (Rhön), Germany & via Zoom

‘Is the survival of the fittest the engine that drives evolution? Such was the supposition of science for many decades. Increasingly, however, attention is being paid to symbiosis: the way in which organisms work together and benefit each other. In this spring retreat, we will explore the mutuality that exists between Creator and creation, soul and body, planet and person, and two friends. Through prayer, meditation, and invocation, we will sanctify and energize the symbioses at the heart of our lives and of the world.’ – Pir Zia Inayat Khan

The principle of symbiosis incorporates 1) the “perfect nature,” or sum of the body, mind, and soul of a person, 2) the “cloud of witnesses,” or constellation of inner guides that watch over a person, and 3) the “syzygy,” or aggregate of alliances that reinforce a person’s life’s work.  Pir Zia will discuss the importance of recognizing the interconnectedness of various selves, collaborating with enlightened souls, and harmonizing with our closest partners. More details and registration.

The Alchemy of Happiness—Part II
A Four-Part Course w/ Pir Zia Inayat Khan via Zoom
Sundays, April 27th, May 4th, 11th & 18th, 2025
2:00 pm EDT / 8:00 pm CET

This spring we return toward what it means to create happiness in life. Over four weeks, Pir Zia will guide us through our own inner happiness landscape, providing simple yet profound teachings from the work of the Sufi mystic, Hazrat Inayat Khan. We will explore themes such as cultivating purpose, developing a positive attitude, dealing with life’s struggles, tempering our reactions, and how to find meaning—all leading to greater contentment and happiness. Each classincludes teachings followed by spiritual practices to continue throughout the week ahead. As in last spring’s course, “Being in the World,” our four weeks together will be directly applicable to our day-to-day lives. More details and registration.

News from the Caravan

Please find a moving tribute to Berthi van der Bent Hamel on her passing for her unwavering contribution to the Nekbakht Foundation.

If you have any news to share, specifically about births and deaths, please send it to with the subject heading “News of the Caravan.” Photos are welcome.

The Zephyr is a monthly newsletter of the Inayatiyya, an interfaith mystical fellowship with branches worldwide. For more information, please visit us at