The Zephyr, June 2023

17 June 2023

Dear Companions on the Path,

Urs Mubarak! Today marks the nineteenth anniversary of my father Pir Vilayat’s death – or as he would always describe it in anticipation, his journey to the galaxies. For those who had the good fortune to know Pir Vilayat in life, it’s a day of remembrance. For those who didn’t have that chance – and, as our community continues to grow, this is likely now the majority – it’s a day to celebrate a legacy that continues to enrich our world in many ways.

Let’s consider a few aspects of that legacy.

In his teachings, my father elaborated his father’s message in conversation with quantum physics, evolutionary biology, depth psychology, and the contemplative epistemologies of Yoga, Buddhism, and Hermeticism. His specialty, as is well known, was the exploration of light in its various dimensions.

He would always say, “our way is the way of illumination.” Illuminationism received its definitive philosophical expression centuries ago in the work of the Persian sage Suhrawardi, but the tradition gained a new impetus in our era with Pir Vilayat’s practical approach to working with light.

Several books record my father’s teachings. Toward the One contains a fascinating précis of esoteric history. The Message in Our Time is a sweeping account of Murshid’s life and teachings. Awakening is an accessible introduction to Pir Vilayat’s thought. In Search of the Hidden Treasure acutely surveys the insights of classical Sufism. The Ecstasy Beyond Knowing, a posthumous and crowning work, is a far-reaching manual of meditation.

Most of my father’s teachings were given orally, however, and there is also quite a bit on tape. With the support of the Astana, a dedicated team is currently working on digitizing these tapes with a view to making the recordings and transcriptions available on our website. We are all very eager to listen to these hitherto unavailable lectures and meditations, which inevitably bring to mind the remastered voice of Caruso (a favorite analogy of my father’s).

Other notable elements of Pir Vilayat’s legacy include the Hope Project in India, the Zenith Camp in Switzerland, The Abode in upstate New York, and Fazal Manzil and the Universel in France.

Many will remember how my father used to carry a coco de mer beggar’s bowl, and how alms given into the bowl went to the Hope Project. The Hope Project continues its vital work to this day, and one very meaningful way to celebrate Pir Vilayat’s Urs would be to make a contribution to that important humanitarian initiative.

As you have likely heard, the Inayatiyya has recently transferred ownership of the Abode to a group of Abodians, called Friends of South Family, so that they can revive the Abode’s activities now that the pandemic is over. We wish them very well and look forward to a steady renewal at the Abode, God willing. Pir Vilayat’s baraka is palpable at the lookout point where he used to have a future-primitive hut that he called his “pod.”

Omega Institute spun off from the Abode in 1977. I plan to be there soon, and I look forward to seeing some of you in that charming setting.

During my father’s life his annual European summer camp moved from mountain to mountain, settling at last in Ticino, Switzerland. Zenith Camp was recently impacted by Covid, but it is rebounding. I look forward to joining many of you in the big tent not long after Omega.

My father’s primary home base was always Fazal Manzil in Suresnes, and thanks to a large effort on the part of many people, Fazal Manzil is currently being renovated and made ready to serve as a place of pilgrimage and meeting for many years to come. The temple that Pir Vilayat constructed in memory of Pirzadi-Shahida Noor was recently repainted and is glowing.

My father told me that one of the main challenges he had to contend with in life was that people – especially his father’s students – tended to continuously compare him to Murshid and criticize him either for imitating Murshid too closely or for departing too far from his example. Looking to the future, he counseled me as his successor not to do things as he had done them but instead to find my own way, whatever anyone might say.

My father’s rule of thumb was always: the pull of the future is stronger than the push of the past. If he is present with us today it is not as a personification of bygone decades but as a trailblazer pointing anew to the horizon.

Do you wish to meet Pir Vilayat? If you do, here is a suggestion. Go out under the night sky, enter a state of zikr, and look up at the stars. Shift your boundary from the fixed contour of your skin to the pulsing corona of your aura. Watch the rays of the empyrean stream down from above and answer them with flashes of your own flame. When you are aware of myriad beings conversing through flickering signals across vast gulfs of space, make bold to ask “Pir Vilayat, are you there?” Do not be surprised if you are met with a luminous smile.

Yours ever,
Pir Zia

Pir Vilayat’s Urs & Birthday Events 2023

Celebrating Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan’s Legacy w/ Sharif Graham and Aziza Scott
Saturday, June 17th, 10am–4:30 pm EDT/3-9:30 pm BST/4-10:30 pm CET via Zoom 

Sharif Munawwir Graham and Aziza Scott will be offering a day recalling the teachings and practices of Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan. They were both murids of Pir Vilayat for more than 30 years, and assisted at literally hundreds of his events. Sharif will recall the contents of Pir Vilayat’s presentations and also relate occasions when he received teachings personally. Aziza will lead many of the practices Pir Vilayat favored. They will also share some of the music Pir Vilayat integrated into his sessions. Registration closes on Friday, June 16th at 10 pm EDT


Celebration for Pir Vilayat’s Urs w/ Saki Lee, Aziz Dikeulias & Friends
Saturday 17th June, 7pm BST (UK) (2 pm EDT/8 pm CET) via Zoom

On the day of our beloved teacher’s Pir Vilayat’s passing, Saki, Aziz and friends will share a celebration via zoom with music, memories and stories from people that have studied with and loved Pir Vilayat.

Meeting ID: 827 9998 4231
Passcode: 996562

Universal Worship Service Celebrating Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan’s Legacy
Hosted by the Inayatiyya Center at the Abode
June 18th at 11 AM EDT in the Meditation Hall (In Person!)

This will be an opportunity to worship together, be in friendship, and experience the legacy of Pir Vilayat streaming into the future and “creating a beautiful world of beautiful people.”

RSVP Required:

The Zephyr is a monthly newsletter of Inayatiyya, an interfaith mystical fellowship with branches worldwide. For more gatherings, please visit our Inayatiyya Digital Programs Calendar .