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The Zephyr June 2018

Dear Companions on the Path,

Greetings of peace to you in these last days of spring, and last days of Ramadan, the month of “hot stones and cleansing rains.”

In May the Astana hosted the first of a series of gatherings for new leaders in the Esoteric School. Many were graduates of the Suluk Academy, so the occasion had the feeling of a Suluk reunion (a full reunion is planned next year). We delved into Murshid’s instructions on guidance and began an exploration of the problems and prospects of our present-day “third cycle” of the Sufi Message of Love, Harmony, and Beauty.

Tomorrow my family and I are due to leave on summer travels. God willing, I will celebrate my father’s ‘Urs at his Dargah in Delhi, trek to the Himalayan source of the Ganges, visit Maulabakhsh House, meet with ashiqs and murids in Konya, convene a week of chivalry and another week of silent retreat in the Alps, visit Fazal Manzil, teach at the Suluk Academy in Épernon, and conduct retreats at Murad Hasil and the Abode of the Message.

I wish you a fruitful summer and hope to see you in India, Turkey, Europe, or the U.S. If we cannot meet in person, may this monthly Zephyr be a link between us, and more importantly, may the spiritual zephyr that wafts from soul to soul connect our lives in the invisible and unite us with the Infinite.

When the trees are green and swaying
And the meadows sweet with flowers
Let there be no more delaying
Let us meet in mystic bowers

Yours ever,

Sarafil Bawa


Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan’s 14th Urs Celebration 2018

“Light arises in your soul as consequence of the striking of your heart.”? Pir Vilayat

You are cordially invited to the 14th ‘Urs celebration of Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan

Sajjada-Nishin of Hazrat Inayat Khan and Founder of The Hope Project

Sunday, 17th June 2018


The Dargah Sharif of Hazrat Inayat Khan & The Dargah Sharif of Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan – 129 Basti Hazrat Nizamuddin New Delhi 110013


8.00 am Onwards
Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan’s Dargah is open for morning meditation.

9.30 am
Fateha and blessing of the Chader at the Dargah Sharif of Hazrat Inayat Khan; procession to the Dargah Sharif of Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan; prayers and offerings; community reception with refreshments at the Noor Inayat Khan Library, The Hope Project.

11.00 am
Distribution of Langar at the Dargah Sharif of Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan.


The Inayati Order and its President
Pir Zia Inayat Khan ‘urf Sarafil Bawa
Sajjada-Nishin of the Dargah Sharif of Hazrat Inayat Khan
and the Dargah Sharif of Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
The Hope Project Charitable Trust
With the assistance of Hajji Aslam Hussain

For further information please contact

A new class of Suluk Academy begins this September at the Astana in Richmond, Virginia. Suluk is a two-year course of intensive Sufi Study with Pir Zia Inayat Khan as the lead teacher.

There are a few spots left! This current class is almost full with 31 confirmed students. If you are interested in additional details and possibly applying, please email as soon as possible. (A new class will launch in France in 2019 or 2020.)

Gayan Commentary

Music of the Spheres: Gamaka Commentaries, Gayan

“I regard every failure as a stepping-stone toward a success.”

The journey of life is one of trial and error. One learns by doing. Whatever the result of one’s endeavors, no experience is wasted if one learns from it and moves on, determined to go further.

Seen from the surface, success is rewarding and failure is disappointing. From the deeper perspective of the unfurling of the mind and heart, however, the knowledge gained in success and the knowledge gained in failure are equally enriching.

Every traveler on life’s path will sometimes succeed and sometimes fail. The difference between those who travel well and those who do not lie in their attitude. In the pessimist’s eyes, a failure is a precursor to ever-deepening disappointment. For the optimist, it’s no more than a stepping-stone on the path to success.

Failure generally leads to failure, unless hope intervenes. Hope is the usher at the door of success.

And what is success? Obtaining one’s desire is one kind of success. But as soon as a desire is fulfilled, another springs up. Real success is the ever-expanding awakening of wisdom and love in the onward movement of life’s journey.

See the full commentary on the Inayati Order website, and please check back for updates.

Inayati Spring Scholarship Appeal

This spring, please help us raise $20,000 for our Scholarship Funds. Over the past three years we have granted $30,000+ in scholarships, for all ages and for all programs. We need to replenish these accounts for future students.

If you feel so called, please donate through the link below, choosing the scholarship fund you would like to support under “Gift Choice.”

Inayati Order Upcoming Events


The Alchemy of Happiness w/ Pir Zia
The Abode of the Message, New Lebanon, New York
31 August – 2 September 2018

Making One’s Own Nature w/ Pir Zia
Berkeley, California
29-30 September 2018

Making One’s Own Nature w/ Pir Zia
Cambridge, Massachusetts
1-2 December 2018


The Spiritual Message of Mawlana Rumi
Middle Eastern & South Asian Inayati Community Gathering
Konya, Turkey
13-19 July 2018

Zenith Institute
Olivone, Switzerland
23 July – 18 August 2018

Growing Wings w/ Pir Zia
Katwijk aan Zee, The Netherlands
24-26 August 2018

Angelic Lights w/ Pir Zia
London, England
17-18 November 2018

Please see our Inayati Order Programs Calendar for more event listings. 

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