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The Zephyr, July 2024

17 July 2024

Dear Inayatiyya friends—

While Pir Zia is guiding programs in France, Türkiye, and Germany this month, there is much to report. Our caravan continues to evolve and as Pir Zia expressed at our Omega Institute program at the end of June, it is time for us to surrender to emergence.

Surrendering to what we are becoming is a focus here at the Astana this summer, in addition to administrative projects and planning for fall programs. There is a new station—a newmaqam—clearly calling us forth on our collective journey to unite all of our discrete parts as One. 

Our Sufi Path of Love summer camp at Omega is an example of this subtle emergence into a new station. The faculty included Pir Zia, Omid, Nizam un Nisa, Tarana, Julianna, and Shams al-Haqq—together with all of you who joined us, we had an incredible time. There were so many new people, and long-time friends, and young people, and an abundance of musicians making music throughout the week. We plan to return to Omega next year, June 22-27, 2025. Please save the date!

During our time at Omega, Pir Zia and Elizabeth Lesser (a student of Pir Vilayat and co-founder of Omega) shared in a dialogue open to the whole campus. You can listen to this dialogue here. Also, see our photo album from the week, also shared below.

Right before Omega we celebrated Pir Vilayat’s 20th Urs on Monday, June 17th. Many of you have been asking about the recording. A commemorative video is now ready and may be found here. Also, that day the Pir Vilayat Archive Project launched its new, searchable database of Pir Vilayat’s teachings—please check it out!

And right after Omega, I traveled to Ontario, Canada to visit our Inayatiyya Centers in Oakville, Toronto, and Ottawa. There is a lot brewing in Canada, with a Canada-wide camp planned next year for Niagara Falls, October 23-26, 2025. This special gathering with Pir Zia will be open to Canadians first, with registration beginning in January 2025. More details are forthcoming—see photos from my trip here.

Next, as we prepare for the fall, please know that we are simplifying our program schedule through the end of the year, to give us time to refine and re-strategize our offerings going into 2025. If we intend to re-emerge—to invite a new future—it can be important to go back into the cocoon either entirely or at least a little bit, as we plan to do. Please see below for a list of fall programs with details coming soon, to add to your calendar.

Lastly, there is some news that needs our help. The Hope Project in India experienced devastating flooding, and is now in need of financial support. If you would like to help, you can find the details and donation information here.

May we continue to hold a united and peaceful future for all people, for all creatures, great and small, throughout the coming months. May our practices and community give us strength to endure all, to tolerate all, in Thy grace and mercy.

With love,
Jennifer Alia Wittman
Executive Director of the Astana
& the Inayatiyya of North America & Oceania

PS—The Astana has two new staff! We’d like to introduce you to Achraf Terrab, our new Audio Video Manager from Montreal, and Hayden Hobby, our new, part-time Front Desk Manager freeing Josh up to help with higher level projects. Welcome Achraf & Hayden! (You can see the full staff list here, including pictures and bios.)

Please note that Pir Zia, Gulrukh & I now rotate which of us writes The Zephyr, with Pir Zia contributing next this September, and with Gulrukh next month. Our aim is to provide a sense of what is happening with the Pir as well as aspects of the Inayatiyya held by the Inayatiyya International Board and the Astana.


Inayatiyya Fall Programs 2024
Save the Date—Details to come!

United with Illuminated Souls: Awakening to the Spiritual Guidance of the World w/ Pir Zia Inayat Khan (

  • September 7 & 8 (In Person Only—Paris, France!)

Lexicon of the Sufis w/ Pir Zia Inayat Khan

  • Mondays, Sep 9, Oct 7, Nov 4 & Dec 2, 12-1 pm ET/6-7 pm CET (Zoom)

The Divine Names w/ Naima Brown, Zumurrud Butta, Omid Safi

  • Thursdays, Sep 5, Oct 3, Nov 7 & Dec 5, 2-3:30 pm ET (Zoom)

The Alchemy of Happiness: Part I w/ Pir Zia Inayat Khan

  • Sundays, October 6 to November 10, 2-3:15 ET/8-9:15 pm CET (Zoom)

Art of Healing Series Continues w/ Multiple Teachers

  • Second Saturdays, October – December, 3-4:30 ET (Zoom)

Breath: The Bridge to Transformation w/ Amida Cary & Jacob Ellenberg

  • Tuesdays, October 15 – November 19, 5-6:15pm PT/8-9:15 pm ET (Zoom)

Peace & Harmony: Cultivating a Global Humanity (Sufi Healing Retreat)

  • Thursday & Friday, October 17 & 18 Sufi Healing Activity Leaders (Zoom)
  • Saturday & Sunday, October 19 & 20 Open to All (Zoom)

Astana Open House w/ Pir Zia Inayat Khan & Friends

  • Saturday, November 2, 2024, 11 am to 6 pm (In Person & Online)

Astana Concert Series: Yuval Ron

  • Saturday, November 2, 2024, 4-6 pm ET (In Person & Online)

The Zephyr is a monthly newsletter of the Inayatiyya, an interfaith mystical fellowship with branches worldwide. For more information, please visit us at