The Zephyr July 2019

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Kars, Turkey, where we have gathered for a retreat near the tomb of the great saint Hazrat Abu’l-Hasan Kharaqani (may God sanctify his secret).

Hazrat Kharaqani was a consummate master of futuwwat, or spiritual chivalry. Our gathering began with a conference exploring his teachings. The speakers were Shaykha Hayat Nur Artiran (our beloved and revered friend), Shaykha Cemalnur Sargut (the esteemed Rifa’i teacher), Shaykh Yavuz Selim Uzgur (the gracious President of the Harakani Foundation), Amat-un-Nur Hayat (our esteemed National Representative in Pakistan), Dr. Asuman Senel (beloved murid of the Inayatiyya and professor of Islamic art), and Pinar Sidika Simsek (beloved Inayati coordinator-in-training in Istanbul). My two lectures may be found here: Kars Lecture 1 and Kars Lecture 2.

After the conference we visited the ancient city of Ani on the Armenian border, where a cluster of magnificent but half-ruined houses of prayer—churches, mosques, and the remains of a Zoroastrian temple—testify to the spiritual dynamism of the now-vanished Silk Road.

We then paid our respects at the holy tomb of Hazrat Kharaqani, an encounter that, for the sheer numinosity of it, cannot be described. Afterward Shaykh Yavuz and his wife Shaykha Fatima generously welcomed us at the Harakani Cultural Center, where the luminous Rifa’i teacher Shaykh Umar of Ankara, surrounded by dozens of dervishes, lead an awe-inspiring zikr that lasted three and half hours.

The Inayatiyya is flourishing in Turkey, thanks so much to the endless dedication of our esteemed National Representatives Zahra Hoca and Mehmet Hoca, together with their growing circle.

I am delighted to tell you that Shaykha Hayat Nur Artiran will be gracing us with a visit in Richmond September 26-29, for a celebration of Mawlana Jalal ad-Din Rumi’s birthday (may God sanctify his secret). I warmly encourage you to come and meet the Shaykha. Details follow.

Sadly, I have just learned of the passing of a beloved companion on the path, Kaivan Plesken. A murid of my father’s since long years, Kaivan served the Order in Germany for decades with great dedication and will be greatly missed. May the Divine Presence enfold his spirit in heaven.

Yours ever,


Rumi’s 812th Birthday Celebration
with Special Guest Shaykha Nur Artiran

The Astana & Online, 26-29 September 2019

Please join us to greet Shaykha Nur and other friends traveling to be with us from Turkey, September 26-29, 2019. There are only 30 three-day, in-person passes available for the entire weekend (plus an online option) devoted to the life and poetry of Mevlânâ Jalâluddîn Rûmî, with special guests Sufi scholar Dr. Carl Ernst, Turkish Musician Latif Bolat, Cheikh Sufi of the Mouride Order of Senegal, and many Semezan’s including Shaykha Nur’s companions and Farzad AttarJafari and others from Toronto, Canada. Additional special guests to be announced. Hosted by Pir Zia and Pirana Sartaj Inayat-Khan.
Register today to be with us in September!

Sufi Summer School, Kars, Turkey July 2019Sufi Summer School

Kars, Turkey, 12-18 July 2019

Click Here to View More Photos

Vadan Commentary

Music of the Spheres: Gamaka Commentaries, Vadan

“My presence stimulates in your heart that feeling that must always be kept alive.”

The Murshid may teach the murid the ways of prayer, fasting, and vigils in the night. The Murshid may tell stories of the prophets and saints of long ago. The Murshid may speak of the invisible world. None of this, however, is of the essence. The essential work of the Murshid is to stimulate the heart of the murid. Continued

See the full commentary on the Inayati Order website.

Pir Zia’s Summer & Fall Calendar 2019


Alone with the Alone: A Silent Retreat w/ Pir Zia Inayat-Khan
The Abode of the Message, New Lebanon, New York
Labor Day Weekend, 30 August – 2 September 2019

Rumi’s 812th Birthday Celebration with Special Guest Shaykha Nur Artiran
The Astana & Online, Richmond, Virginia
26-29 September 2019


Zenith Institute Summer Camp
Olivone, Switzerland
22 July – 17 August 2019

Pir Zia Seminar in The Netherlands
Katwijk aan Zee, The Netherlands
23-25 August 2019

Pir Zia Seminar in Paris
Paris, France
22-24 November 2019

For a worldwide calendar featuring many Inayati Order teachers and programs, please visit our Inayati Worldwide Programs Calendar.