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The Zephyr, February 2022

16 February 2022

Dear Companions on the Path,

I hope this finds you well.

I have always valued winter as a season of inwardness, a time to turn within, meditate, and focus entirely on work that is quiet. Over the last few weeks I’ve been blessed with the chance to do just that.

I am happy to let you know that my little book Immortality is now near completion. It consists of a series of contemplative exercises based on the teachings contained in Murshid’s The Soul, Whence and Whither. Delving into these indispensable teachings once again has been a tremendous joy. Every time I return to Murshid’s words I discover something new and revelatory.

My seclusion will soon be coming to an end. I look forward to being back in touch. Beginning on the last Sunday of the month, weekly classes will resume for a seven-week stretch, this time on the subject of the seven stations of the soul that constellate the “Sophic Whorl,” a pattern that leads to the center of the human being. The spring Sophic Whorl series will focus on the inner life of the individual. The plan is to return to the subject in the fall, turning then to the collective implications of the process.

Of course, the individual and the collective cannot be separated. As we know, every choice we make affects the whole. This is poignantly apparent in our time as we watch our planet’s living systems shudder under the impact of climate change, pollution, and loss of species diversity. The Earth is sending out a cry as well as a call: a howl of distress and a message of sacred instruction. If those who walk the path of spirit cannot hear it and respond, who will?

Over the next seven months, in these Zephyr letters we will be hearing from each of the Activities in turn – Inner School, Universal Worship, Kinship, Ziraat, Healing, Knighthood, and Music – as they reflect on the ecological challenge of our time and the path forward. Below you will find a message from our dear Devi Tide and Wali Via, introducing the series.

May we be among the khidric chevaliers who defend the holy groves and springs.

Yours ever,
Pir Zia

The Sophic Whorl
A Seven-Part Series: Sundays, January 27th – April 10th, 2022
Details & Zoom Link

The Divine Names
Thursdays, Feb 17, March 24, April 28 & June 2, 2022
Details & Registration

This month we launch the Inayatiyya’s new Call of the Earth Initiative, galvanized by the climate needs of our collective moment, uniting us all in spirit and action. As our first project, throughout 2022, members of the World Wide Message Council and various Affinity groups will share related teachings from Hazrat Inayat Khan. Then, in spring 2023, all will be invited to a gathering on the Earth, its possiblity and need. Read more…

The Zephyr is a monthly newsletter of Inayatiyya, an interfaith mystical fellowship with branches worldwide. We will soon share our Inayatiyya Digital Programs Calendar for Spring 2022. Please stay tuned for details.