⭐ Inayatiyya Fall Appeal 2024—The Sea Turtle Glides This Giving Tuesday 🌊🌞

Everyone’s journey is toward their perfection 
Everyone’s proximity is according to their ‘state’. — Attar

3 December 2024

Dear Friends,

In our last email, we discussed the emblem of the midnight of unknowing, the bat. As a long night is broken by the return of light at dawn, the next teacher we encounter in the Forest of Memory is something almost miraculous – a great sea turtle, soaring marvelously through the ocean of light. 

The sea turtle glides freely through the currents of life, gazing benevolently at everything before it. The waters which surround it are spacious and clear. It radiates ease and peacefulness; its every movement permeates an atmosphere of dignified repose. The sea turtle is a symbol of the ruh. They are the mirror to our own soul qualities.

There are multitudinous sea turtles in this world, with one over-lighting spirit tending to all of them. And as the sea turtle is endowed with the remarkable ability to return to the exact location of its birth no matter where it is, so we find ourselves ineluctably drawn to our source. As the organizational vehicle for the Message of Remembrance and Spiritual Liberty, the Inayatiyya is the shore to which those on our path arrive.

As you move through the immense ocean of light this Giving Tuesday, hopefully with the same dignified repose of the sea turtle, we are happy to announce a special gift for everyone who has donated to the Inayatiyya in 2024 by midnight on December 10th.

Whether you tithe monthly or make a modest one-time contribution 30 seconds before midnight on December 10th (no judgment, we’ve all been there), anyone who has made a donation to the Inayatiyya in 2024 will receive an invitation to A Bestiary of Wisdom, a special online gathering featuring readings of Jātaka tales, animal fables, and other spiritually illuminating stories from the more-than-human world.  The gathering will take place at 3:00 pm EST (New York time) on December 11th, so if you plan to attend and have not donated this year, please be sure to do so before the deadline! 

Our goal this year is to raise $160,000 by the end of the year. So far we have raised $83,974.09  toward this amount. We are 52.5% there! Please help us raise another $76,025.91 by Friday, December 27th, 2024. 

With love and appreciation,
Josh & Tajalli on behalf of The Inayatiyya Fall Appeal 2024 Campaign Committee
Noor Amina Peterson, Board Chair, Ambreen Coombs, Treasurer, Nilufar Maryam Hasnaa, Board Member, Jennifer Alia Wittman, Executive Director, Tajalli Roselli, Astana Staff, & Josh Octaviani, Astana Staff 

PS—Interested in exploring the symbolism of the sea turtle within the Forest of Memory practice further? As our gift to you, here is the link to Pir Zia’s teaching:

The Sea Turtle Meditation Recording



The Inayatiyya is a non-profit 501c3 organization, Tax ID #23-7159641. Your donation may be fully deductible for tax purposes per United States IRS guidelines. Please note that donations made by check must be received by Friday, December 27th to be considered as within 2024. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send it to Inayatiyya, 112 E Cary Street, Richmond, VA 23219. Thank you! 

Image Credit:  Grafner | Dreamstime.com