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Season of the Rose Photos & Audio

Season of the Rose: Essentials of the Sufi Path
Lewis & Clark College, Portland, Oregon, July 6-11, 2016

Two weeks after the Pir Vilayat weekend in June, we headed to the West Coast for Season of the Rose in Portland, Oregon. A lovely community of 145 people from all over North America came together for five days and nights of teachings, music, nature, and community. This particular gathering was unlike anything we’ve ever held before…a new site, a new format, and new ways of interrelating, all on a college campus with many other groups in residence. The whole experience was incredibly unique.

We share the essence of Season of the Rose through pictures below, and also the audio is now available for sale in its entirety (details below). See a pdf of the printed program outlining all details here.

Season of the Rose Slideshow


All photos by Letitia Smith of White Light Exposure.

Season of the Rose Audio

Audio is now available to download as a complete set, including 37 recorded sessions for $250. Later this fall the recordings will be made available as individual downloads, for $10 each. If you purchase as a full set, and listen to them now, you will save 30%. Enjoy!

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