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Suluk Academy – North America

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Second round of applications is due Friday, May 15, 2020
Acceptance letters will be sent ongoing through Spring 2020

Please see below for a variety of details specific to Suluk North America. If you have additional questions, please email

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Over the course of two years, students, called Salik(a)s, deeply explore the fundamentals of Hazrat Inayat Khan’s school of Sufism under the rubric of Concentration, Contemplation, Meditation and Realization.

Among the topics of study are purification of body and mind, prayer, breath, the elements, light, the inner senses, the Chivalric Rules, the God Ideal, the Divine Names, the subtle centers, and the Spirit of Guidance.

A direct transmission is shared through a mix of practice, lecture, suhbat, and zikr, and held within a container of spiritual companionship.

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Pir Zia Inayat Khan

Suluk Academy’s primary faculty is Pir Zia Inayat Khan, the grandson of Hazrat Inayat Khan, and current lineage carrier in the Inayati Order.

Pir Zia is a noted teacher of Sufism. His teaching is informed by decades of immersion in the mystical legacy of Hazrat Inayat Khan and Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, focused scholarly research in religion, and wide trans-religious spiritual engagement. Pir Zia holds a Ph.D. in religion from Duke University and is the author of several books, including Saracen Chivalry: Counsels on Valor, Generosity and the Mystical Quest (2012) and Mingled Waters: Sufism & the Mystical Unity of Religions (2017). For additional details on Pir Zia’s life story, please visit:

Suluk Mentors guide and support students throughout the program. The mentors for this class include:

Ruya Holly Perkins

Ruya Holly Perkins received an M.D. in 1981.  She pursued specialties in adult and child psychiatry, working as a psychotherapist and consultant for 35 years.  In 2000, Ruya found the “home” of her heart and soul in Sufism and integrated its principals in her healing practice.  Since then she has been committed to the work of the Inayati Order and founded a center in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 2009.  Ruya graduated from the Suluk Academy with the Tasnim class and served as a mentor for the class of Gulzar. She is now a Representative, Guide, Retreat Guide, Healing Conductor and a mentor for Coordinators in Training.

Ruya’s passion is creatively assisting others in finding their own relationship with loving guidance and direction. She sees the inner journey as key to healing, peace, freedom and joyful expression of one’s true nature and life purpose. She lives in Michigan with her husband and enjoys creative projects, playing with her grandchildren and singing to cats when nobody is home.

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Jacob Miraj Ellenberg

Jacob Miraj Ellenberg is a student, practitioner, and teacher of ancient and emergent technologies of self. Jacob has been a murid of the Inayati Order since 1997, served on the Inayati Order Board of Trustees under Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan and Pir Zia Inayat Khan, and helped start Suluk Academy serving as its inaugural administrator. In 2007, he graduated from Suluk’s Kafur class, and for the past five years has co-lead retreats with Gulrukh Patel at the Zenith Institute in Switzerland.

Professionally, Jacob is a strategic thought-partner for individuals, groups, and businesses aspiring to actualize more of their felt potential. Additionally, he works as a game designer, writer, futurist, public speaker, and meditation teacher. He has worked with organizations ranging from Whole Foods Market to NYU to The Guild of Future Architects. Jacob holds a BA from NYU in Organizational Behavior, Narrative Theory, and Mysticism and is currently a Visiting Scholar at NYU Tisch’s Interactive Communications Program (ITP). He lives in Los Angeles where he studies the Chinese martial arts of Xingyi and Bagua, lives with two cats (Nonno Pesce and Princessa), and is recently engaged to his amazing fiancée, Anna.

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Amira Laurie Kardish

Amira Laurie Kardish began her journey on the Inayati Sufi path at the age of nineteen. Murshid’s words were a soothing balm to a soul that longed for more depth and meaning in life. She was “hooked” and took initiation in 1977.  Her love for children and for this new path brought her to San Rafael where she trained and worked with Murshida Vera Corda in “The New Age Seed School”; an elementary school incorporating Sufi educational philosophies.

Later moving to Arizona, Amira married, began a family and put down roots. She completed an MA degree in Bilingual Multicultural Education and enjoyed teaching metacognition to Gifted students for 26 years. This joy continues to be shared as she acts as a Guide and Center Representative in Tucson, Southwest Co-Regional Representative, Advisor to Leaders in Training, and a Healing Conductor. Amira graduated from the Suluk Academy with the Tasnim class (2010) and served as a mentor for the class of Nasim. Currently sliding into retirement, she is enthusiastically entering her second childhood!

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Suluk meets over the course of two years, four times a year with five days per session. This is a total of eight in-person sessions and 40 days of study. Dates for the current North American class are:

Fall 2020 (Concentration)

September 29-October 4, 2020 (Tues-Sun)
December 8-13, 2020 (Tues-Sun)

Spring 2021 (Contemplation)

March 2-7, 2021 (Tues-Sun)
June 1-6, 2021 (Tues-Sun)

Fall 2021 (Meditation)

September 21-26, 2021 (Tues-Sun)
December 7-12, 2021 (Tues-Sun)

Spring 2022 (Realization)

March 1-6, 2022 (Tues-Sun)
May 31- June 5, 2022 (Tues-Sun)

All sessions begin at 7:30pm, the first day of the session, and end at 12:30 pm on the final day.  Homework between sessions includes reading and writing assignments, possible Zoom calls with one’s mentor group, and a required three-day, individual Suluk Retreat.

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9:30 am Sitting Meditation
9:50 am Announcements
10:00 am Teachings with Sarafil Bawa
11:15 am Tea Break
11:45 amTeachings with Sarafil Bawa
1:00 pm Lunch
3:30 pm Mentor Groups*
5:00 pm Tea Break
5:30 pm Pods**
6:30 pm Evening Program Select Nights

*Mentor Groups are small groups of 10-12 people, led by a mentor, that Salik(a)s belong to throughout the course of the program. These groups are meant to provide a home base as one processes and assimilates the teachings.

**Pods are smaller, self-guided groups, involving 5-6 people from each Mentor Group. Pod mates support one another as spiritual friends throughout the program.

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Suluk Academy has locations in the United States and Europe. North American classes are held at the Astana, the headquarters of the Inayati Order in Richmond, Virginia.

While the Astana offers contemplative meeting space for up to 40 participants, we do not provide housing. Our Astana webpage provides details on housing options within a block or two of the Astana, as well as travel information, recommended restaurants, and other helpful resources.

Google Maps: 112 E Cary Street, Richmond, VA 23219

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Tuition for the full program is $5,400, and can be paid quarterly or annually ($675 a session or $2,700/year), with an initial first session deposit of $675 to guarantee your place in the class.

The cost includes all teachings, mentoring during and between sessions, three community meals, snacks  and refreshments throughout each session.

Salik(a)s are responsible for their own travel, housing, and select meals (breakfast each day and at least five lunches or dinners per session), and should anticipate paying for a required three-day Suluk Retreat ($45-$125/day), and assigned books ($50-$100).

Expenses may be reasonably reduced by sharing – books, travel, housing, meals, and anything else that is needed.

Partial scholarships are available and can be requested during the application process. Please consider supporting, and inviting your friends to support  the Suluk Scholarship Fund.  Go to the Donate page of our website, and select “Suluk” on the “Gift Choices” dropdown menu.

Our goal is to make Inayati Order programs accessible to all sincere seekers. Do not hesitate to inquire about a scholarship.

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Suluk Academy is designed for initiates within the Inayati Order, as well as devoted students of sister groups who are members of the Federation of the Sufi Message. If you are an Inayati Order student, it is highly recommended that you do the Suluk program sometime during the course of your Sufi studies.


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For details on how to apply, or for any questions regarding Suluk academy, please email us at or phone, 518-794-7834.


Sufis, instead of teaching the lesson of indifference, have taught the lesson of love and sympathy, and have called it the cultivation of the heart. In Sufi terminology, this is called Suluk, which means the divine manner, the loving manner. When a refined manner is directed by the heart quality, it becomes a loving manner, the manner of God, and all such attributes as gentleness, tolerance, kindness, forgiveness, mercy, and compassion spring from it. The great teachers and prophets did not become what they were by their miracles, their wonder-workings; what was most apparent in them was the loving manner.  – Hazrat Inayat Khan, Sufi Message Volume VIII (original edition) on “The Heart.”

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