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Announcing the Name – The Inayati Order

Hazrat Inayat Khan (Murshid) brought the wisdom of Sufism to the Western world in 1910. He founded The Sufi Order in London in 1918 and The Sufi Movement in Geneva in 1923.

The word “Order” was, and remains, the standard English rendering of the Arabic word tariqa, referring to a Sufi path. The word “Movement” was a familiar designation in the early twentieth century for international spiritual organizations (such as the Vedanta Movement).

After Murshid’s death, his brothers and cousin successively led The Sufi Movement. To distinguish his own lineage and circle of mureeds, Murshid’s elder son Pir Vilayat revived the name The Sufi Order in 1968 (later updated as The Sufi Order International).

“The Sufi Order” is a nonspecific name: it refers to Sufism in general, but to no one tradition of Sufism in particular. When Murshid established his Order in the West, no other Sufi Orders were active in Western Europe or North America. A more specific name was therefore unnecessary and, in fact, would likely have caused confusion. This was still largely the case in 1968. Today the situation is just the opposite: there are many Sufi Orders in the West—not to mention in Asia, where our Order is also spreading—and a nonspecific name is consequently problematic in the current environment.

In the history of Sufism, Orders have traditionally adopted the name of their founder in the decades following the founder’s death. Murshid understandably did not name his Order after himself, but long-established Sufi custom renders it natural and proper for us, who follow in his footsteps, to honor his memory and confirm our allegiance to his spiritual message by taking his name as the rubric of our work.

In consideration of these facts, and moved by a deep sense that the time has come, on this first day of the year 2016, we announce that The Sufi Order International will henceforth be known as The Inayati Order.

In adopting this name, we make no claim of exclusivity in representing Murshid’s Sufi Message of Spiritual Liberty. Indeed, we affirm all lineages, communities, and organizations linked to Murshid through initiation and devotion as our esteemed friends and allies in the Sufi cause.

Pir Zia Inayat-Khan

The Message Council