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Music of the Spheres: Gamaka Commentaries, Vadan

“My friends lull me to sleep, but my enemies keep me awake.”

The presence of a friend is pure ease. Friends think alike, and when they differ, differ amicably. With a friend one feels little need to watch one’s step; the friend is always ready to overlook or forgive missteps. The friend knows one’s heart.

An enemy is a different animal. Far from overlooking missteps, the enemy stands ready to pounce on the slightest false move. In fact, the enemy delights in making what is innocent look nefarious.

In this way the enemy teaches wakefulness. With enemies about, one is compelled to expect the unexpected and take nothing for granted.

Even if the enemy is outrageously harsh, there is usually a grain of truth in what the enemy says. We do well to listen. While the friend mirrors our persona back to us, the enemy mirrors our shadow. The first shows us what we wish to see and the second what we do not.

Perhaps there is no truth whatsoever in what the enemy imputes. In that case, one learns patience. All will be made clear at the great Reckoning. Till then, one learns not to be dependent on others’ esteem.

The real enemy is the selfishness within us. May it keep us awake on the path that leads to the Friend.