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Knighthood Resources

Archive of Knighthood Articles

Futuwwa, History and Tradition
A Letter from Hazrat Ali to his Son,
Hazrat Ali, A Model of Futuwwa by Suhrawardi
Hazrat Ali, Selections from A Letter to his Son
Tabarruk upon the Ancient Union of Chivalry and Mysticism and its present day Scion by Shaikh ul-Mashaik Mahmood Khan
The Origins of Futuwwat by Pir Zia
Chivalry and the Classic Virtues by Pir Zia
Futuwwa: A Second Origin by Subhan John Lloyd

Knighthood in Our Time
Chivalry in Our Time, Sufi News #11, 2018
Murshid on Chivalry, Selections from the Message Volumes
Murshid on Conscience
Murshid on His Way of Living
Knighthood and Kinship Activities by Pir Zia
Knighthood and the Stages of Alchemy by Suhrawardi

Inspiring Stories
The Caravan of Links by Qayyima and Kabir Clainchard
Franz Stigler, A Hero Because He Did Not Shoot by André Ammer

Knighthood Practices
Climate Change as a Knightly Challenge by Suhrawardi
Knighthood and Ziraat Attunement by Suhrawardi
Herald’s Prayers (Iron, Copper, and Silver) by Mansur Cussler 
Introduction to the Knighthood of Purity: A Beginner’s Guide