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Jamiat Khas Annual Retreat 2018

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Jamiat Khas Annual Retreat 2018

Tuesday, March 20 (evening) through Thursday, March 22 (5 pm)

Our annual Inayati Order Spring Leadership Training will follow March 22-25, 2018

Open to all members of the Inayati Order’s Jamiat Khas, comprised of the most experienced teachers and guides within the Order.

The Inayati Order’s Esoteric Training Committee invites you to join us for our annual Jamiat Khas Retreat, Tuesday, March 20 (evening with afternoon arrivals) through Thursday, March 22 (5 pm).

The meeting will be held at the Inayati Order’s new North American Headquarters, called the Astana, in Richmond, Virginia. Details about the Astana, travel to and from, accommodations and recommended restaurants can be found at

(Please note that there is a special discount at the Holiday Inn Express and Linden Row with a link below to register and receive the discount.)

As always, the meeting will consist of a combination of spiritual practices in the morning (this year drawing on Pir Vilayat’s Curriculum of the Sufi Order), with focused discussion in the afternoon.

The Jamiat Khas Annual Retreat is a wonderful time for fellowship and to share our collective attunement. There is a great power generated by our being together and meditating with each other.

Following the Jamiat Khas Annual Retreat, there will be leadership training beginning on the evening of Thursday, March 22 and continuing through noon on Sunday, March 25, to be held at the Holiday Inn Express in Downtown Richmond.

During this training, we will be exploring practices and perspectives relating to the soul’s journey through the planes of being, emphasizing the interpenetration in the soul’s experience of the human, djinn, and angelic worlds.


All pricing for the Jamiat Khas Annual Retreat, March 20-22, 2018, includes tuition plus tea, coffee and snacks each day. Housing and meals are the responsibility of those attending.

General Tuition – $200


Discounted hotel accommodations are at the Holiday Inn Express and Linden Row by using the following links:

  • Holiday Inn Express ($119/night) – Please use this link to register and receive the discounted rate for housing at the Holiday Inn Express, our preferred hotel for this event. THE DISCOUNT CODE TO USE IS: IO8.
  • Linden Row ($99-$120/night)
  1. Go to 
  2. Select your Arrival and Departure Dates and Number of Adults
  3. Enter the following Access Code to view your discounted rate:INOMARCH2018

Also, an alternative option is  Hosteling International Richmond:


We accept cancellations (minus a $50 processing fee) through Friday, March 2nd.

After this date, we accept cancellations (50% refund) through Friday, March 16th.

Thank you for understanding the importance of this policy!

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