⭐ Inayatiyya Fall Appeal 2024 – The Eagle 🦅☁️

We have raised $117,287.34 so far toward our fall appeal! Thank you to everyone who has generously given this year. If you are still planning to make a donation, we hope to raise another $42,712 by the end of 2024. You can easily donate through our website or by sending a check to Inayatiyya, 112 E Cary Street, Richmond, VA 23219 (Please send checks to arrive by Friday, December 27th). With much gratitude!

Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ring’d with the azure world, he stands.
– Lord Alfred Tennyson

21 December 2024

We have to squint to see the next teacher on our path as it soars high above its aerie. It is an eagle, surveying the horizon with great outspread pinions. The eagle is almost one with the air itself as it rides ever higher. From the sublime heights, one senses it has an attenuated attachment to the inessential aspects of terrestrial life. 

With peerless powers of discernment, it takes in the vast view. Its vision can only be described as panoramic. One imagines that it sees all; its acute sight penetrates even the most secret places. 

For this reason, the eagle is associated with the latifa khafiya, the subtle organ that receives spiritual inspiration. Like the panoramic vision of the eagle, the latifa khafiya perceives lights from the furthest horizon of this divine disclosure. 

Of course, when we talk about eagles, we cannot neglect the fact that Pir Vilayat has a special relationship with eagles. He cared for eagles and kept one on the roof of Fazal Manzil. According to Pir Zia, “his whole approach to meditation was based on his experience with eagles. He was translating his experience with eagles into his own inner itinerary through the spheres.” 

And like the far-seeing eagle climbing the sky, the Inayatiyya tries to attune our vision to the horizon. 

While none of us possess the same powers of discernment as the eagle, we hold up its panoramic vision as an ideal to strive toward. As an organization, the Inayatiyya aspires to encompass our past, present, and future into a coherent and inspired vision for the conscientious and responsible stewardship of the Message in our time.

This can be exemplified in several projects, but perhaps the most appropriate given this week’s theme is the Pir Vilayat Archive Project. Astana staff has provided time and expertise to help the Pir Vilayat Archive Project provide a container for the preservation and distribution of his life’s teachings and work. From this, we hope to build the infrastructure that might one day be used to launch an archive of Pir Zia’s work.

Needless to say this is not the only iron we have in the fire! However, these special projects and initiatives require resources to develop and maintain. Your contributions help us cover the cost of indispensable tools and resources that enable us to realize these visions. Together, we can soar into the future.

With love and appreciation,
Josh & Tajalli on behalf of The Inayatiyya Fall Appeal 2024 Campaign Committee
Noor Amina Peterson, Board Chair, Ambreen Coombs, Treasurer, Nilufar Maryam Hasnaa, Board Member, Jennifer Alia Wittman, Executive Director, Tajalli Roselli, Astana Staff, & Josh Octaviani, Astana Staff 

P.S. Interested in exploring the symbolism of the eagle within the Forest of Memory practice further? As our gift to you, here is the link to Bawa’s teaching:

The Eagle Meditation Recording


The Inayatiyya is a non-profit 501c3 organization, Tax ID #23-7159641. Your donation may be fully deductible for tax purposes per United States IRS guidelines. Please note that donations made by check must be received by Friday, December 27th to be considered as within 2024. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send it to Inayatiyya, 112 E Cary Street, Richmond, VA 23219. Thank you! 

Image Credit: Joan Egert | Dreamstime.com