Fall Appeal 2022

November 6, 2022

Hello dear friends,

We write to you today as the leaves lose their brilliant colors in much of the Northern Hemisphere, knowing that in this shedding is the promise of renewal. It’s time to reflect on the past year in gratitude for what has given us light and look forward to finding ways to sustain our luminous community. We extend this gratitude to you with a humble request for your support.

The Inayatiyya has stayed constant in our mission despite the many challenges of recent years. From March 2020 through 2021, we created new ways to respond to the call from our ashiqs and murids, both experienced and new, by offering an abundance of teachings and gatherings via Zoom. The necessity to keep our community connected during this time significantly stretched our resources.

As we started 2022, it seemed that isolation was ending so we optimistically organized several in-person events. However, plans had to change as people’s desire to gather was offset by hesitancy and by the ease and effectiveness of online events.

An unexpected priority for much of the year was the need to change our legal and financial relationship to the Abode. While we are very close to having a positive resolution, this required financial resources we had hoped would go towards other initiatives and projects.

Despite these challenges, we have been able to support Pir Zia’s work, expand access to programs from the Seven Activities (Inner School, Kinship, Healing, Universal Worship, Ziraat, Knighthood of Purity, and Music), and lift up teachers and guides who work with ashiqs and murids around the globe.

There is still much to do if we are to fully realize our mission. An Inayatiyya Adaptive Plan for North America was created last year to guide our priorities through 2025.

In 2023, we intend to focus on:

  • Ensuring the work of our lineage is preserved and made available to an ever-growing community of those drawn to Sufism and the teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan
  • Activating the Pir Vilayat Legacy Project, collecting, digitizing, and disseminating Pir Vilayat’s recordings from his decades as Pir of our lineage
  • Offering teachings and programs from Pir Zia and a great variety of other leaders within our Seven Activities
  • Integrating the work of the Seven Activities with the Astana as an administrative hub
  • Investing in our leadership with training for teachers and spiritual guides
  • Collaborating with Inayatiyya Center Leaders to refine our network as we maintain the new reality of online, in-person and hybrid gatherings

As we face ongoing challenges, our resources continue to be stretched. New uncertainties in the world combined with increased interest in our work will require even more flexibility and resilience. If you have felt supported by the Inayatiyya and if our offerings have provided you with light, we pray that you will unite with us in your pledge of support to spread the Message far and wide.

The Inayatiyya Board of North America will continue to serve with a knowing that this Movement is vital to the times in which we all live. 

In service,

Noor Amina Peterson Khatidja Rodriguez-Ruiz
Board Chair, Inayatiyya North America Treasurer, Inayatiyya North America
Na-koja-abad Suluk Global Class of 2022 Naubahar Suluk Class of 2020



The Inayatiyya is a non-profit 501c3 organization, Tax ID #23-7159641. Your donation may be fully deductible for tax purposes per United States IRS guidelines.