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Executive Director Letter

November 18, 2015

Dear Fellow Travelers on the Endless Path,

Over the last 100 years, Hazrat Inayat Khan’s Sufi Message of Spiritual Liberty has spread from East to West and back again, growing into a worldwide movement dedicated to inner realization. Today, we invite you to help support the next stages of this work by giving to the Inayati Order in North America.

We are currently in a process of intensive organizational transformation which Taj Inayat has described as a “matrix shift” to meet the needs of the 21st-century. As a part of this shift, Pir Zia is beginning to articulate a clear vision for the future of the Inayati Order, its teachers, guides, mureeds, and seekers, now spread across five continents.

This Fall, after a year of research, dialogue, and deep contemplation, Pir Zia and the Inayati Order announced plans to move from the Abode of the Message, its home of the last 12 years, to a more populous, socially and economically diverse area.

Likewise, early next year, the Inayati Order will launch its new website, as well as the first stages of an outreach campaign to further spread the Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan to new audiences, while at the same time clarifying the teachings for all those connected to the Inayati Order.

Many of you will already have benefited from emerging aspects of this new focus on outreach and clarification of the teachings, participating in our online, live-streamed offerings, including: The Way of Illumination course in May; the Season of the Rose summer school in July; and Pir Zia’s popular, eight-part Unfolding the Message series this Fall, in which thousands have participated worldwide. In 2016, we intend to make such online offerings with Pir Zia a regular part of the Inayati Order’s outreach to mureeds and seekers everywhere.

While continuing to develop these online offerings, we are also hearing and intend to respond to the call for more in-person events with Pir Zia and senior teachers across North America, giving both introductory and more advanced levels of training.

Next year, we have planned programs on both the East and West Coasts, including two new segments of The Wisdom of the Prophets series at the Abode of the Message in May and November of 2016, a Worldwide Celebration of Pir Vilayat’s 100th Birthday in June, and the Season of the Rose summer school in Portland, Oregon, July 6-11. Likewise, events with Pir Zia are being planned in cities across the United States (to be announced) as well as a silent retreat at the Abode over Labor Day weekend, September 2-5.

These, of course, are in addition to the many wonderful workshops and programs being offered by Inayati Order senior teachers across North America. As we go forward and grow as an organization, we hope to better promote these teachers and their offerings, coordinating our efforts and communications about events.

Today, the Inayati Order is an organization on the cusp of making a new and more significant impact on the world’s spiritual community; but it is also an organization in need of greater unity among its diverse membership. We all wish to continue to emerge as a relevant, cohesive, all-inclusive spiritual school, welcoming people of all ages, all cultures and backgrounds, under a clear Message of Spiritual Liberty.

Personally, I am calling this critical time in our organizational development, “The Great Repositioning.” I hope you will join us in sincerely, positively, and actively growing and spreading the Sufi work for today and for the future.

To this end, we would be grateful and greatly appreciate any gift you can make between now and December 31st.


In the service of the Message,

Jennifer Alia Wittman
Executive Director
The Inayati Order
Social media: /jenniferalia

P.S. – Year-end donations can easily be made through the above donation button or via postal mail, with checks made payable to Sufi Order International and sent to c/o Jennifer Alia Wittman, PO Box 480, New Lebanon, NY 12125.