The Foundations of Healing
An Introduction to the Teachings of Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan
Second Saturdays, October-December, 2024

12:00 – 1:30 pm (Seattle); 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm (New York); 7:00 – 8:30 am (Auckland)

The Foundations of Healing is a doorway into Hazrat Inayat Khan’s Sufi teachings on healing. We will delve into practices of Divine healing and transformation that live within each of us. By developing one’s capacity through the exploration of the heart and the breath, transformation can be found within the body, mind, heart, and soul. 

The course is based on the newly developed Essential Healing Manual, an introduction to the foundations of healing in the Inayatiyya Healing Activity. Our gift to you will be a digital copy of the Essential Healing Manual, which will include the teachings from the topics introduced and much more.


October 12th—Sacred Instrument of the Body and its Relationship with the Divine                                                                                                                          

Presenters: Sitara Mitten-Lewis, Sarmad Tide & Ushi Darena Burgess

The human body is a vehicle of the spirit, a finished vehicle which experiences all the different aspects of creation….There are faculties of the soul which express themselves through certain centers in the body of the human being. As there are parts of lands to which water never reaches—and therefore they never become fertile soil—so it is with these centers when the breath never reaches them. They are intuitive, they are full of peace and balance, they are the centers of illumination, yet never have they been awakened, for we have breathed only in those parts of the body by which we can eat, and live, and perform action. One is only half alive, if one’s existence is compared with the fullness of life that can be obtained by spiritual development. One is interested in all that brings beauty and joy, and yet [one] does not know the source of all such things in oneself. —Hazrat Inayat Khan. 

November 9th—Breath and Divine Power 

Presenters: Dr. Raqib Kogan, Dr. Alia Yager & Jalila Chris Botsford

One is never separated from God; … with every breath man touches God. One is linked with God by the current of breath…In so far as our soul is in the spirit of God, it is the ray of the divine sun, while the other end of it is what we call breath…The action of breath in our body is limited; but in reality this current, this breath, connects the body with the divine Spirit, connecting God and man in one current.” —Hazrat Inayat Khan

December 14th—The Heart that Heals

Presenters: Kafayat Devi Tide, Shafayat and Co-VP of Healing Activity Nur Alima Smith & Haqiqa Naomi Rose

If the doors of the heart are open, the heart proves to be larger than the whole cosmos.”  —Hazrat Inayat Khan


As long as the heart is closed, one cannot show that nobleness, that goodness which is hidden in one’s heart. The psychology of the heart is such that once one begins to know it, one realizes that life is a continual phenomenon. Then every moment of life becomes a miracle; a searchlight is thrown upon human nature and all things become so clear that one does not ask for any greater phenomenon or miracle; it is a miracle in itself.  —Hazrat Inayat Khan


Classes are on Saturdays, October 12th, November 9th and December 14th, from 3-4:30 pm Eastern time, 9-10:30 pm Central European Time. This course is open to ashiqs, murids and all with a sincere interest. Come to all or any part of the series. 

The Foundations of Healing series requires advanced registration and provides video recordings if you are unable to attend every class. A suggested tuition of $36 ($12 per class) is recommended for the whole course. There is also a limited income/student tuition rate of $24 ($8/class). Please see the sidebar to register.

If you have questions about the content of the course, please email Questions about registration, payments, and logistical details may be sent to


Dec 14 2024


3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Dec 14 2024
  • Time: 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm


$24 - $36




Language: English


  • Devi Tide
    Devi Tide

    Devi Tide is the Kefayat (Head) and Vice President of the Sufi Healing Order in North America, New Zealand and Australia. She has over thirty years of experience as a teacher of healing and the esoteric sciences, bringing the qualities of wisdom, heart, subtlety, humor, and intelligence to her role. Devi has contributed to and offered programs in India, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and North America. In her seminars, public speaking, and individual sessions and retreats, Devi represents the inner vitality and harmony of the body, mind and spirit, the vitality of our interconnected world, as well as personal transformation. 

  • Eileen Alia Yager M.D.
    Eileen Alia Yager M.D.

    Eileen Alia Yager, M.D. is a pediatrician and Clinical Professor of Pediatrics Emerita at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. She is the retired Director of the Integrative Pain/Symptom Management Clinic at Children’s Hospital Colorado. She gives workshops on mindfulness practices, meditation, pain relief, and stress reduction. In 2016, Alia received the Outstanding Faculty Service Award from the Medical Staff at Children’s Hospital. Alia serves as a senior teacher in the Inayatiyya Inner School, a Shafayat (senior teacher) in the Inayatiyya Healing Activity, and is a receiver of the Golden Heart Award. She is a long-time meditator (55 years) and meditation teacher (30 years), and knows the breath as an interconnected energy field, a connecting energy to our body-mind-heart complex, and a guide and connection to the Divine. She says that the mystics know that there is only one being and we are part of it, and breath is how we interconnect.

  • Raqib Misha Kogan M.D.
    Raqib Misha Kogan M.D.

    Raqib Misha Kogan, M.D. received his medical degree from Drexel University College of Medicine. He’s the medical director of the GW Center for Integrative Medicine and associate professor of medicine in the division of Geriatrics and Palliative Care at George Washington University. Raqib has been on the Sufi path since 2001 and is a Conductor in the Inayatiyya Healing Activity. Together with his wife Rafia, he completed Suluk training in 2007. Raqib has been working closely with Devi Tide and other Healing Activity leaders for over 10 years and has assisted in organizing and running many annual Leadership Retreats. Raqib’s goal is to bring healing wisdom and practices of the Inayatiyya to more people, especially those who are vulnerable. To achieve this goal, Raqib founded AIM Health Institute, a non-profit organization in the Washington, D.C. area that provides integrative medicine services to low-income and terminally ill patients regardless of their ability to pay.

  • Nur Alima Smith
    Nur Alima Smith

    Nur Alima Smith is a Shafayat, a Cherag, a Healing Conductor and a Raphaelite Healer in the Inayatiyya Healing Activity. She is adept with various breathing techniques, having studied this for 35 years. Nur Alima brings the Inayati philosophy and practices to the community groups. She has run many trainings for staff and volunteers in Hospice and multiple Veteran Organizations focusing on these techniques and how to heal oneself with the breath. Since 2015 Nur Alima has also led a weekly meditation group for Veterans who have PTSD. Her additional work with the Veteran Community includes teaching meditation and relaxation techniques to those on active duty about to be deployed and those who have just returned from combat. She also leads a monthly meditation session for Hospice volunteers and staff.Nur Alima serves on the Inayatiyya Healing steering committee, and lives in Syracuse, New York.

  • Sitara Mitten-Lewis
    Sitara Mitten-Lewis

    Sitara Mitten-Lewis founded the first Sufi Order center in Sydney, Australia in the 1990’s and served as Regional Representative for Australia until 2010. As a Senior Teacher, she also serves as a Shafayat in the Healing Activity and a Mentor in the Dances of Universal Peace. She coordinated the Inayati Order Leaders Training Committee from 2010-15 and helped develop the training module on Sacred Sound. She guides murids and offers retreats and workshops on meditation, music and movement in the US, Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.

  • Ushi Darena Burgess
    Ushi Darena Burgess

    Ushi Darena Burgess is a long-time murid in the Inayatiyya. She grew up in small towns in the forests of the rural Pacific Northwest.
    A deep longing brought her to this spiritual path and the Inayatiyya. She is a Shafayat in the Healing Activity, a Cherag in the Universal Worship, and served on the national Board for five years. She brings spirituality into the world in a very real way, with clarity, acts of kindness, compassion and heart.
    Her career spanned decades of public service. Currently, she co-leads Wings of the Message Sufi Center in Seattle, Washington and facilitates a weekly Healing Service for the World. She acknowledges the interconnectedness of all humanity with the biosphere, and includes a global perspective in all her work.

  • Jalila Chris Botsford
    Jalila Chris Botsford

    Jalila Chris Botsford has been a student, facilitator and teacher of many forms of holistic healing for over 25 years. As a holistic health practitioner, working both in person and long-distance, she utilizes energy healing, cranial sacral and the foundational Sufi practices of presence, breath, light and guided meditation in her Spiritual Energy Sessions. She also leads individual sessions, workshops and retreats based on Carolyn Myss’s Archetypal Sacred Contracts course. Jalila’s passion for healing and service has led her to Africa, Haiti and Guatemala working in hospitals and clinics in impoverished communities.

  • Haqiqa Naomi Rose
    Haqiqa Naomi Rose

    Haqiqa Naomi Rose has been a murid in the Inayatiyya since 2005. She is a dedicated student of Sufi healing and is grateful to have learned from Devi Tide and other wonderful teachers. By profession, she is a Book Developer & Creative Midwife, helping people who value the inner life write the books of their heart. As an editor working with publishers and authors for many decades, she volunteered to bring her editorial skills to the much-loved project, the Sufi Healing Welcome Manual.