Sufi Whirling with Shams al Haqq Farzad
Sundays, March 13th, April 10th & May 8th, 2022
The Sufi Message was born out of music. We invite you into the richness of the Inayatiyya musical heritage, and through this to attune in life.
On the second Sundays, March through May, we will learn Sufi Whirling. We will learn Sama, deep listening, as a life attitude and learn to turn as an attunement. Both new and continuing students are encouraged to participate.
The Sufi Whirling series is cumulative, requiring advanced registration and participation in all three classes. A donation of any amount is welcome to join the class. Please see the sidebar to register.
If you have questions about the content of this series, please email For registration, financial and technical questions, please email
“Dervishes are those among Sufis who adopt a certain method of progressing through the spiritual path . . . They are dreamers and lovers of God; they worship God in nature, especially in human nature. Among the many ways of spiritual development, they have one way which is called Sama’, which is listening to music. They . . . make themselves as a medium of resonance of the music they hear. Therefore, music touches them differently from any other person, music touches the depth of their being. Moved by music, they manifest different conditions, termed by Sufis hal, which means “condition.” Anyone among them who is moved by spirit may manifest the ecstasy, which is called wajd, in the form of tears, sighs, or in dance . . . the bliss of the dervish is understood by very few. But something that one can learn from this is the theory of the whole process of their spiritual development. By making God their Beloved and by seeing God in the sublimity of nature, they create the presence of God. . . By the help of concentration, poetry, and music, joy and pain both are felt more deeply. Therefore, God becomes living, God’s presence is before the dervish in all moods. In the Sama’, their musical ceremony, when once the dervish’s pain had an outlet in some form or other, the condition that follows is that of deeper insight into life”. — Hazrat Inayat Khan, Mysticism of Sound Music
Shams al Haqq
Shams al Haqq is classically trained in Sama. He has extensively studied the turn, sama meditation, as well as mysticism and Persian mystical poetry of Sufism and Irfan. He curated and has taken part in many spiritual music Ceremonies and sama presentations. He serves the Sufi communities in Canada, presenting some of their work through Rumi Canada. He is also a student within the Inayatiyya & graduate of Suluk Academy. He currently lives in Vancouver, Canada & holds monthly sessions for Sama / inner listening meditation.