Diving Into Life
An Inner Guidance Group w/ Gayan Macher
December 3rd – 5th, 2021

Diving into Life is community of spiritual friendship and practice for adults in their 30s and 40s. Led by Gayan Macher and Gulrukh Patel, this retreat weaves contemplative inquiry together with the Sufi teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan and traditional practices of meditation and Zikr. 

Contemplative inquiry is the great art of Listening inwardly – listening for guidance to the deepest questions of your heart, for understanding of your life, and discovery of your true self. New members, upon a simple intake process, are welcome.


Dec 03 - 05 2021


12:30 pm - 11:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Dec 03 - 05 2021
  • Time: 12:30 pm - 11:00 pm


$175 - $250




Language: English


  • Gayan Macher
    Gayan Macher

    Gayan Macher is a companion and guide to those who are called to the courageous path of love. He has practiced and taught the universal Sufism of Hazrat Inayat Khan his entire adult life. In addition, he has studied Buddhist practice, the Diamond Approach, and psychology, where he explored emerging understandings of the formation of the ego. Gayan leads group retreats and has guided scores of individual students. He collaborated with Pir Zia Inayat Khan in designing Suluk Academy, and taught at Suluk for eight years. Along with Taj Inayat he created Sufi Retreats, and then New Rain, which became laboratories for the process of awakening and spiritual maturation. Gayan also has a 40-year career as a consultant to executives of organizations, having worked with numerous Fortune 500 companies as well as non-profits of all sizes. Among Gayan’s great loves is music. He plays guitar, and as a singer-song writer has recorded two CDs of original songs.

  • Deepa Gulrukh Patel
    Deepa Gulrukh Patel

    Deepa Gulrukh Patel is a creative facilitator in the interdisciplinary field of the arts and the sciences and a strategic thinker with a passion for social justice, heartful conversation and the contemplative life. She was born in Kenya to Indian parents and lives in England. This experience has influenced both her professional and personal life. Deepa has worked with young people, in the field of cultural diversity as a Live Music producer and in music education. Her current work is with The London College of Fashion, UNHCR and the University of Sheffield in refugee camps in Jordan and Africa and the Fetzer Institute on two projects, one on creating sacred space in the virtual world and the other on their shared spiritual heritage project. Deepa is a guide and teacher in the Inayatiyya, a mentor in Suluk and chair of Inayatiyya Interntional. She is also the chair of Tamasha Theatre Company, an advisor to the Loss Foundation, a bereavement support service to to those that have lost some to Cancer or COVID-19 and Charis Interspirituality on their interfaith dialogue projects.