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Emergent Leaders Program

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June 2018 – June 2020

Deadline for Application is February 2, 2018

In 2018, the Inayati Order in North America will initiate a new program of study – one focused on the role of the Esoteric Teacher & Guide within the Order. This program will be a continuation of Suluk Academy and designed for those who are naturally drawn to supporting others in their spiritual journey.

The Inayati Order Emergent Leaders Program intends to provide a direct transmission from among the Order’s most experienced teachers, including Taj Inayat, Gayan Macher, Himayat Inayati, Kainat Norton, Naima Brown and Pir Zia Inayat Khan, while also providing a lifelong community (or cohort) of friends sharing experiences, ideas, and questions that arise when one takes on the role of spiritual teacher and/or guide.

For an overview of our CURRICULUM, please see here.

After reading the details shared below, to learn more about The Inayati Order’s Emergent Leaders Program, please email

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We welcome applications from those who have officially entered the Esoteric School’s ongoing Leadership Training Program in North America between June 1, 2007 and January 31, 2018*. Suluk graduates, and those with comparable training and experience, are invited to apply.

To apply for the Inayati Order’s Emergent Leaders Program, please see our application details here:

Please share the following link with those from whom you plan to request a recommendation:

* Also, please note that to apply to Emergent Leaders, you need to already be accepted into the Inayati Order’s Esoteric Training Program for Coordinators and Representatives. There is still time if you have not already applied to this ongoing program. Please see the following for details:

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The Inayati Order Emergent Leaders Program will meet in-person twice a year over two years (four sessions in total) at the Astana in Richmond, Virginia. Between in-person sessions, there will be at least three scheduled online sessions with core faculty.

Each class will have space for 40 students. If more than 40 qualified candidates apply for the first class, we hope to launch an additional class in 2019 or 2020. We encourage all interested “Emergent Leaders” to apply to this first class so that we can see how many people would like to participate in the program.

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Application Process

February 2, 2018

  • Applications Due

February 15, 2018

  • Applicants Selected

February 20, 2018

  • Letters of Invitation Sent

March 15, 2018

  • Acceptances Due w/ Tuition Deposits to Hold Place in Class

Session Schedule

Session I: Concentration w/ Pir Zia & Naima

Friday, May 25-Thursday, May 31, 2018 (Richmond)

  • Online Session w/ Pir Zia & Naima Mid-Way (Using Zoom Classroom)
  • Cohort Sharing In-between (Arranged between members of the class)

Session II: Contemplation w/ Taj & Gayan

Tuesday, October 23-Sunday, October 28, 2018  (Richmond)

  • Online Session w/ Taj & Gayan Mid-Way (Using Zoom Classroom)
  • Cohort Sharing In-between  (Arranged between members of the class)

Session III: Meditation w/ Himayat & Kainat

Tuesday, May 14-Sunday, May 19, 2019 (Richmond)

  • Online Session w/ Himayat & Kainat Mid-Way (Using Zoom Classroom)
  • Cohort Sharing In-between (Arranged between members of the class)

Session IV: Realization w/ Pir Zia & Naima

Friday, November 1-Wednesday, November 6, 2019 (Richmond)

Arrivals are the afternoon of the first date, with our beginning in the evening, and departures the last date listed after 1 pm.

*Naima Brown, Vice President of the Inayati Order’s Esoteric School in North America, will be present at all sessions and available for conversation and guidance on the Esoteric School’s Leadership Programs.

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Arrivals will be the afternoon or evening of the first date listed, with the program beginning the next morning and running for five full days, ending with travel home on the last day listed. (There will be no program activities on the first or last day listed for each session. These are intended as travel days.) Otherwise, the five full days of study and community time will look like this:

9:30 am – Silent Meditation

9:50 am – Announcements

10:00 am – Teaching Session I

11:15 am – Tea Break

11:45 am – Teaching Session II

1:00 pm – Lunch Break

3:00 pm – Teaching Session III

4:15 pm – Break

4:30 pm – Sohbet, Tea & Sweets (All Faculty Invited via Zoom)

7:00 pm – Community Dinner, Music, Zikr

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Tuition for the program is $3,000 for four, five-day, in-person sessions, and three two-hour online classes held in between sessions. Tuition will also include four community meals (lunch or dinner to be decided), snacks, coffee and tea throughout the program.

Payments may be made per session ($750 per session), annually ($1,500 a year), or in full at the beginning of the program ($3,000)*.

Housing for the program will be the responsibility of the student, with the first session offering non-local participants space at Hosteling International Richmond for a cost of $35-$65 per night, as well as a special discount rate at the Holiday Inn Express Downtown Richmond.

Please see the following link for details about travel, accommodations, and housing as it relates to the Astana.

* Faculty are taking a reduced fee to offset the cost of the program tuition and to make the program as accessible as possible. Upon acceptance into the program, please let us know if you may need partial scholarship assistance and we will send you a scholarship application.

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To participate in this particular leadership program, you must meet the following qualifications:

  • Be an Inayati Order initiate in the United States, Canada, Australia or New Zealand.
  • Be a graduate of Suluk Academy or have comparable training and experience.
  • Been accepted into the Inayati Order’s ongoing Esoteric School Coordinator or Representative Training Program between the dates of June 1, 2007 and January 31, 2018. Application details may be found here.
  • Intend to actively serve as an Inayati Order Esoteric School Coordinator or Representative for the next 10 years or longer.
  • Be able to attend all four in-person sessions scheduled for the dates listed above.
  • Be recommended by your spiritual guide and one other person within the Inayati Order.
  • Complete and submit an Inayati Order Emergent Leadership Program Application by Friday, February 2, 2018. 

* If you are a leader in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, or South America, please stay tuned for details about additional opportunities to participate in the Inayati Order’s Emergent Leaders Program.

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We hope you feel called to the Inayati Order’s Emergent Leaders Program and apply here

Please share the following link with those from whom you plan to request a recommendation:

Please contact with any questions.

