Call of the Earth – Ziraat Activity

 This month we hear from the Ziraat Activity:

The Rhythm of Loving Kindness

The meaning of the name of our order offers guidance in addressing the Call of the Earth. Inayat means loving kindness.

If, in speech and action a person shows a friendly attitude, love and kindness, the activity is mobile, and every impulse prompted by this activity will manifest in the form of gentleness, generosity, gratitude and goodwill. – Hazrat Inayat Khan

The Earth has generously and unselfishly nurtured us. The time has come for humanity to reciprocate by practicing loving kindness with all of nature’s realms and beings. When we isolate ourselves from nature, out of fear, greed, or the busyness of our lives, we limit the opportunity to cultivate a relationship of loving kindness. 

Hazrat Inayat Khan gives an important clue in developing loving kindness. It involves maintaining a balanced and fluid rhythm between receptivity and activity. Humanity must both listen and respond to the call of the Earth. We have to slow down enough to listen, and have the willingness to act.

“There is one Holy Book, the sacred manuscript of nature, the only scripture that can enlighten the reader.” – Hazrat Inayat Khan

“The mobile rhythm is creative, productive, constructive, and through that rhythm all power and inspiration are gained, and peace is experienced.” Hazrat Inayat Khan

Can we, the Inayatiyya community rise to the call to help humanity birth a new culture in harmony and support of the Earth? This is our task.

To a little band of Sowers has been given a handful of living grain. Faithfully, it must be sown, surely, it will be reaped; and the harvest shall be for the sustenance of all who are hungering for the “Bread of Life”. The Ziraat Papers of Hazrat Inayat Khan

Submitted by Wali Via & Firos Holterman, Vice Presidents of Ziraat