Call of the Earth – Young Adults Council

Step by Step, We Need Not Wait for Tomorrow

“If there is something that can be accomplished today, we need not wait for it to be accomplished tomorrow.”  ~ The Way of Illumination

Inayat Khan gave practical instructions for how to manifest visions, dreams, and wishes. Those same teachings apply to actualizing the ideal of living harmoniously with all species and life on our planet. 

“…if a person is on the path of accomplishment, each accomplishment gives [her] a greater power to go forward…” ~ Volume XIV

Give yourself a micro-task (inner or outer) to embody your ideals and strengthen willpower in service of conscience. 

After each action, each brushstroke, the artist (or activist) must then step back to see its effect, and, from this new and changed context, listen and look for the next step. 

“To the eye of the seer every leaf of the tree is a page of the holy book that contains divine revelation, and he is inspired every moment of his life by constantly reading and understanding the holy script of nature.” ~ The Way of Illumination

We’re reminded to constantly check in with nature for guidance, let our souls be where our soles are, feel deeply, and act again with hope. 

“No doubt there is one thing that keeps one alive, and that is hope.”

“When one is pessimistic about things, one destroys the roots of one’s desires; because, by denying, one casts away that which could otherwise have been attained.”  ~ The Way of Illumination

In the face of daunting odds, should hope and will to engage be threatened:

“Hopelessness can be overcome by faith.”  ~ The Way of Illumination

In the Hadith Qudsi, God says, “Take one step towards me, I will take ten steps towards you. Walk towards me, I will run towards you.”

“Success is in store for the faithful, for faith ensures success.” ~ Gayan

 Action by action, step by step, may God grant our faith be strengthened. 

Submitted by Akbar Chris Miller of the Young Adults Council