Call of the Earth – Music Activity

This month we hear from the Music Activity:

When we pay attention to nature’s music we find that every thing on the earth contributes to its harmony. The trees joyously wave their branches in rhythm with the wind; the sound of the sea, the murmuring of the breeze, the whistling of the wind through the rocks, hills and mountains, the flash of the lightning, and the crash of the thunder, the harmony of the sun and moon, the movements of the stars and planets, the blooming of the flower, the fading of the leaf, the regular alternation of morning, evening, noon and night – all reveal to the seer the music of nature.” – Mysticism of Sound 

For a mystic one’s whole life is one continuous symphony of music, each soul contributing to the symphony by one’s particular part in the music.” – Sufi Mysticism

We can try to perceive this symphony by first listening to the outer sounds of nature, but then listening more deeply:

[Nature’s music] gives us a sense of exaltation to be moving about in the woods, to be looking at the green, to be standing near the running water which has its rhythm, its tone and its harmony. The swinging of the branches in the forest, the rising and falling of the waves – all has its music. Once we contemplate and become one with nature, our hearts open to its music.” – Vol. 2, The Music of the Spheres 

When we perceive not only the sublimity of nature but also its great need, the wish will awaken to contribute only those sounds to this symphony that sanctify its music and promote life.

In order to live in the world one should become a musician of life. Every person therein is a note.” – Sufi Teachings

Submitted by Fereshta Bechtloff, Tarana Jobin and Ophiel Maarten van Leer of the Music Activity