Earth Calls, How Do Kin Respond?
This ideal of kinship develops, taking different forms. In the first stage the mystic becomes respectful to all beings…. In the next stage his sympathy goes out to everyone he meets, no matter who it is. In the third stage he understands the conditions of every person because of his sympathy and respect… In each being he sees himself. ~Volume XI, Philosophy, Psychology and Mysticism, Hazrat Inayat Khan
Can we broaden our consciousness of kin to include the earth and her inhabitants? By cultivating respect for all – mineral, vegetal, animal and human – we can expand our sense of family.
Spending time in nature we can attune our senses to the gifts of each domain. Look anew at the beauty, diversity and relationship of each part. With sympathetic resonance, sense the light in each part.
Creation is a gradual evolution of that light which is the source and goal of all beings.~The Way of Illumination, Hazrat Inayat Khan
Climate change and loss of biodiversity disproportionately impact poor and marginalized communities. The injustice of the ecological crisis, caused by consumption, extraction and commercialism, touches our hearts. Communities on the front-line of climate change are losing their homes and way of life. Earth’s species call for restoration.
There is One Law, the law of reciprocity, which can be observed by a selfless conscience together with a sense of awakened justice. ~“Ten Sufi Thoughts”, The Way of Illumination, Hazrat Inayat Khan.
By harmonizing with the natural world we find resilience, countering feelings of hopelessness and despair. Breathing the breath of unity we acknowledge the destruction while witnessing wholeness. Out of respect, sympathy, and understanding, we are called to respond.
We came into manifestation responding to a call. Now we are called by the many voices of the One to support the community of earth. How do you respond? We invite you to send a brief description of your response to Kinship@ to share with our caravan.
Submitted by Rabia Povich & Halim Knobel, Vice Presidents of Kinship