Call of the Earth – Inner School

My deep sigh rises above as a cry of the earth, and an answer comes from within as a message”. ~ The Complete Sayings of Hazrat Inayat Khan. 517.

Our world is full of pain and suffering from wars and abuses, including to each other and to the planet. We struggle to understand our connection to each other and to the earth at this time of climate crisis. How can we help? How might we be? What guidance is given?

When asked such a question by his murids at the end of WWI, Pir o Murshid said that what is needed is a “religion that invigorates and gives life to souls and illuminates hearts.” ~ Vol 6, 1.

This is the path of the Inner School of the Inayatiyya.

“When the soul becomes a torch in his [the seeker’s] hand, it is his own light that illuminates his path”. ~ Vol 14, 1.

“To her [the seeker] all things have their meaning, every movement in this world: the movement of the water, of the air, of the lightning and the thunder and the wind. Every movement has a message for her, it brings to her some sign”. ~ Vol 1, 87. 

“Since life becomes clear to the awakened soul it shows another manifestation: every aspect of life becomes communicative with him. The idea is that life is communicating, the soul is communicating…it becomes communicative with life”. ~ Vol 14, 1.

Like in the stories of saints, sages and elders of past and present, those who can hear messages from trees, plants, animals, rocks, mountains, seas, the breeze…we can become sensitive to and illuminated by the light of the soul and heart within. If we learn how to communicate with life, we support its flourishing. 

Submitted by Amida Cary, Co-Vice President of the Inner School