Awakening in Life
A Six-Part Series, Tuesdays, April 5 – May 10, 2022


Life is an opportunity given to satisfy the hunger and thirst of the soul — Hazrat Inayat Khan

The Inner School of North America invites you to a six-part exploration of Awakening in Life. How do we cultivate spiritual awakening in the midst of our everyday lives? 

Often spiritual seekers perceive a separation between their spiritual practices and their day-to-day activities. The topics of attitude, balance, magnetism, agitation/peace, the heart in life, concentration, and optimism. Join us in exploring these themes through breath work, sacred sound, and contemplation.

This six-week series is led by Naima Brown, Nizam-un-Nisa Ayeda Husain, and Yaqin Joseph Aubert, Representatives of the Inner School of the Inayatiyya.

Our course is in six parts, running Tuesdays from April 5th, 2022 through May 10, 2022 from 11-12:30 pm EST, 5-6:30 pm CET. All interested seekers are welcome.


The Awakening in Life course requires advanced registration and provides video if you are unable to attend every class. Please note that registration will close after the start date.

Suggested tuition is $48 ($8/class) and on a sliding scale. Audio & video will be provided as part of the series. 


If you have questions about the content of the course, please email Questions about registration, payments, and logistical details may be sent to


May 10 2022


11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: May 10 2022
  • Time: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm






Language: English


  • Yaqin Aubert
    Yaqin Aubert

    Yaqin Joseph Aubert is the Vice President of the Inayatiyya and Director of the Pir Vilayat Center at the Abode of the Message in New Lebanon, New York. Yaqin has been studying Sufism for more than 40 years and is a senior teacher in the Order. He was a student of Pir Zia’s father, Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan. Yaqin is a Cherag (minister) in the Universal Worship and has been a teacher within Suluk Academy. He is a founding member and former director of both the Abode of the Message and Mountain Road School, founded on the Abode’s grounds. Yaqin is a storyteller, retreat guide and leads group retreats and seminars in North America.

  • Nizam un Nisa Ayeda Husain
    Nizam un Nisa Ayeda Husain

    Nizam un Nisa is a Shaykha, Cheraga, Guide, Representative and Facilitator of the Anjumani-Islam group in the Inayatiyya. A student of classical Chishti Sufism since 1988 and a devoted follower of the Inayatiyya since 2004, she has led Inayatiyya centers in Lahore, in Dubai and now in Oakville, Ontario where she lives. A journalist and editor by profession with an MA in Journalism/Near Eastern Studies from NYU, Nizam un Nisa is a graduate of the first European Suluk class, Knight of Purity, and mentor to the Naubahar Suluk class. She has led Sufi retreats, taught Sufi meditation to Buddhist monks in Tokyo and been invited to the UN as part of an international delegation of spiritual leaders. She is currently working on setting the Urdu poetry of Hazrat Inayat Khan to music.

  • Naima Khabira Brown
    Naima Khabira Brown

    Naima Khabira Brown teaches online Internationally offering Leaders Training Modules for the Inner School, Esoteric Classes and Retreats. She was initiated by Pir Vilayat and studies with Pir Zia. She served as Vice President of the Inner School for 6 years where among other responsibilities she directed and developed the new leaders training program. She is a founding mentor for Suluk Academy and has participated in many supportive roles since its inception in 2003. She is a member of the Esoteric Training Committee and a Center leader in the Boston area.