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⭐ 30 Days of Giving—Staying Close⭐

23 December 2023

Dear Companions on the Path,

This coming week, with children and grandchildren off from school and work burdens possibly lessened, many of us will make an effort to see our friends and loved ones in person. For those of us who can’t be with the ones we love, we may be grateful to existing technology that allows us to see each other’s faces, even if it leaves us wanting for more.

Our community expresses a strong desire to gather again shoulder to shoulder. At the same time, we seek to include those on the path who cannot travel. We continue to look for balance between the magnetism of physical presence and the convenience and affordability of online presence. Often our registration fees don’t cover the cost of the programs whether in person or online.

We appreciate your generosity in giving toward keeping our community close. 

With love,
The Inayatiyya


Have you attended an Inayatiyya online class or program over the last year?

On the Big Questions Day 2, 617 of you answered this question.

  • 222 of you often attend online classes and programs
  • 205 of you attend online classes and programs as your availability allows
  • 124 of you do not regularly attend our online classes and programs
  • 66 of you, while unable to attend in real time, often watch our programs online via Vimeo or Dropbox

The Inayatiyya is a non-profit 501c3 organization, Tax ID #23-7159641. Your donation may be fully deductible for tax purposes per United States IRS guidelines. Online donations may be made via the “Give Today” button above. If you would like to donate via check, please make payable to the Inayatiyya, 112 E. Cary Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219. All checks must be received by Friday, December 29th to count toward our year-end appeal. Thank you!